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There are 15 nine-letter words containing 2E, 2H, I and T

BEHIGHTEDbehighted v. Simple past tense and past participle of behight.
BEHIGHT v. (obsolete) to vow, to promise, also BEHOTE.
EIGHTIETHeightieth adj. The ordinal form of the number eighty.
eightieth n. The person or thing in the eightieth position.
eightieth n. One of eighty equal parts of a whole.
HEALTHIERhealthier adj. Comparative form of healthy: more healthy.
HEALTHY adj. wholesome.
HEATHIESTheathiest adj. Superlative form of heathy: most heathy.
HEATHY adj. abounding in heath.
HEATHLIKEheathlike adj. Resembling or characteristic of a heath.
HEATHLIKE adj. like a heath.
HEIGHTENSheightens v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of heighten.
HEIGHTEN v. to raise.
INSHEATHEinsheathe v. Archaic form of ensheathe.
INSHEATHE v. to insert as in a sheath, also ENSHEATH, ENSHEATHE, INSHEATH.
SHEATHIERSHEATHY adj. forming or resembling a sheath or case.
SHITHEELSshitheels n. Plural of shitheel.
shit-heels n. Plural of shit-heel.
shit␣heels n. Plural of shit heel.
THEGITHERTHEGITHER adv. (Scots) together.
THEREWITHtherewith adv. With this, that or those.
therewith adv. In addition to that; besides, moreover.
therewith adv. Thereupon, forthwith; with that being said or done.
THIOPHENEthiophene n. (Organic chemistry) Any of a class of aromatic heterocyclic compounds containing a ring of four carbon…
THIOPHENE n. a five-membered heterocyclic compound with sulphur, also THIOPHEN.
WHEREWITHwherewith adv. (Archaic) With which; with what.
wherewith n. (Archaic) Something with which; the means by which.
WHEREWITH adj. with what.
WHITEHEADwhitehead n. A pimple formed by a clogged sebaceous gland, usually with a milky-white cap.
whitehead n. A species of passerine bird, endemic to New Zealand (Mohoua albicilla).
whitehead n. The blue-winged snow goose, Anser caerulescens caerulescens.
WHITHEREDwhithered v. Simple past tense and past participle of whither.
WHITHER v. to blow strongly with a roaring sound, also WUTHER.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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