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There are 20 nine-letter words containing 2E, G, N, T and V

AGENTIVESagentives n. Plural of agentive.
AGENTIVE n. a grammatical case indicating the agent performing an action.
BREVETINGbreveting v. Present participle of brevet.
BREVET v. to confer an honorary military rank upon.
DEVESTINGdevesting v. Present participle of devest.
DEVEST v. to strip or deprive of.
DIVERGENTdivergent adj. Growing further apart; diverging.
divergent adj. (Mathematics) (said of a sequence or series) Diverging; not approaching a limit.
divergent adj. Disagreeing from something given; differing.
ELEVATINGelevating v. Present participle of elevate.
ELEVATE v. to raise.
EVAGINATEevaginate v. (Intransitive) To evert a bodily organ inside surface to outside.
evaginate v. (Transitive) To cause (a bodily organ or part) to turn inside out.
evaginate adj. Protruded, or grown out, as an evagination; turned inside out; unsheathed; evaginated.
EVENTINGSeventings n. Plural of eventing.
EVENTING n. the act of taking part in riding events.
GENITIVESgenitives n. Plural of genitive.
GENITIVE n. a grammatical case indicating possession, origin or relation.
INGESTIVEingestive adj. Of or pertaining to ingestion.
INGESTIVE adj. relating to ingestion, the act of taking e.g. food into the body.
NEGATIVEDnegatived v. Simple past tense and past participle of negative.
NEGATIVE v. to disprove, make ineffective.
NEGATIVESnegatives n. Plural of negative.
negatives v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of negative.
NEGATIVE v. to disprove, make ineffective.
REVERTINGreverting v. Present participle of revert.
REVERT v. to return to a former state.
REVESTINGrevesting v. Present participle of revest.
REVEST v. to vest again.
REVETTINGrevetting v. Present participle of revet.
REVET v. to face with masonry.
STEEVINGSSTEEVING n. the angular elevation of a bowsprit from a ship's keel.
VELVETINGvelveting v. Present participle of velvet.
velveting n. The nap of velvet.
velveting n. (Dated, usually in the plural) Something made from velvet or having a velvet-like texture.
VENGEMENTvengement n. (Obsolete) Retribution; vengeance.
VENGEMENT n. (Spenser) revenge, also REVENGEMENT.
VIGNETTEDvignetted v. Simple past tense and past participle of vignette.
VIGNETTE v. to make a vignette of.
VIGNETTERvignetter n. (Historical) A device used by photographers for printing vignettes, consisting of a screen of paper…
vignetter n. A maker of vignettes.
VIGNETTER n. one who makes vignettes, also VIGNETTIST.
VIGNETTESvignettes n. Plural of vignette.
vignettes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of vignette.
VIGNETTE v. to make a vignette of.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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