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There are 18 nine-letter words containing 2E, G, I, T and U

EUGENISTSeugenists n. Plural of eugenist.
EUGENIST n. a student of eugenics.
EXECUTINGexecuting v. Present participle of execute.
EXECUTE v. to perform or carry out.
GAULEITERgauleiter n. (Historical) An official in charge of a district of Nazi Germany.
gauleiter n. Any overbearing or unpleasant official, especially a local official.
GAULEITER n. (German) an overbearing wielder of petty authority.
GENITURESgenitures n. Plural of geniture.
GENITURE n. birth.
GUESTWISEguestwise adv. (Obsolete) As a guest.
GUESTWISE adv. (obsolete) in the manner of a guest.
GUILLEMETguillemet n. Either of the punctuation marks « or », used in several languages to indicate passages of speech. Similar…
GUILLEMET n. (French) a quotation mark.
GUTTERIERGUTTERY adj. marked by extreme vulgarity or indecency.
MUGEARITEmugearite n. A kind of orthoclase-bearing basalt that is made up of olivine, apatite, and opaque oxides.
MUGEARITE n. a dark, finely crystalline basic igneous rock.
MULTIGENEmultigene adj. (Genetics) Involving multiple genes.
multigene n. Multigene family.
MULTIGENE n. each of a group of genes with closely related nucleotide sequences, apparently evolved from a common ancestor sequence and often having similar or related functions.
NEGRITUDEnegritude n. The fact of being of black African descent, especially a conscious pride in the values, cultural identity…
NEGRITUDE n. (French) the essential quality of the Negro genius, also NIGRITUDE.
NEUTERINGneutering v. Present participle of neuter.
neutering n. The act by which something is neutered.
NEUTERING n. the act of castrating.
NUGGETIERNUGGETY adj. in nuggets.
OUTSEEINGoutseeing v. Present participle of outsee.
OUTSEE v. to see beyond.
SAUTEEINGsauteeing v. Present participle of sautee.
sautéeing v. Present participle of sautée.
SAUTE v. (French) to fry in a small amount of fat.
TEGUEXINSteguexins n. Plural of teguexin.
TEGUEXIN n. (Aztec) a large black and yellow South American lizard, also TEGU.
TENIAFUGEteniafuge n. Alternative spelling of taenifuge.
TENIAFUGE n. a substance, esp. a drug, that kills a tapeworm, also TENIACIDE.
THEURGIEStheurgies n. Plural of theurgy.
THEURGY n. magic or miracles by the agency of good spirits.
UNWEETINGunweeting adj. Obsolete form of unwitting.
UNWEETING adj. (archaic) unwitting.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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