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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 15 nine-letter words containing 2E, 2G, S and T

DOGGEDESTdoggedest adj. Superlative form of dogged: most dogged.
DOGGED adj. stubbornly determined.
DREGGIESTdreggiest adj. Superlative form of dreggy: most dreggy.
DREGGY adj. full of dregs.
GREETINGSgreetings n. Plural of greeting.
greetings interj. (Sometimes formal, sometimes humorous) hello.
GREETING n. a salutation.
JAGGEDESTjaggedest adj. Superlative form of jagged: most jagged.
JAGGED adj. rough-edged.
PREGGIESTPREGGY adj. (colloq.) pregnant, also PREGGERS, PREGGO.
RAGGEDESTraggedest adj. Superlative form of ragged: most ragged.
RAGGED adj. tattered.
REGESTINGregesting v. Present participle of regest.
REGEST v. (Milton) to register, record.
RUGGEDESTruggedest adj. Superlative form of rugged: most rugged.
RUGGED adj. having an uneven surface, also RUGGY.
SEGREGANTsegregant adj. (Genetics) Resulting from segregation.
segregant n. (Genetics) An organism that is the result of segregation; a segregate.
segregant n. (US, historical) An internee sent to the maximum-security Tule Lake (WWII internment camp for Japanese Americans).
SEGREGATEsegregate adj. Separate; select.
segregate adj. (Botany) Separated from others of the same kind.
segregate adj. (Geology) Separate from a mass and collected together along lines of fraction.
STAGGEREDstaggered v. Simple past tense and past participle of stagger.
staggered adj. Astonished, taken aback.
staggered adj. Arranged in a way that is not uniform.
STAGGERERstaggerer n. One who staggers.
STAGGERER n. one who staggers.
SUGGESTEDsuggested v. Simple past tense and past participle of suggest.
SUGGEST v. to put forward for consideration.
SUGGESTERsuggester n. Someone who suggests.
SUGGESTER n. one who suggests.
TOGGERIEStoggeries n. Plural of toggery.
TOGGERY n. clothes; garments; as, fishing toggery.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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