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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 20 nine-letter words containing 2E, 2G, O and S

AEGLOGUESaeglogues n. Plural of aeglogue.
AEGLOGUE n. (archaic) a pastoral poem, often in the form of a dialogue between shepherds, also ECLOGUE.
DEFOGGERSdefoggers n. Plural of defogger.
DEFOGGER n. an agent used for defogging.
DOGGEDESTdoggedest adj. Superlative form of dogged: most dogged.
DOGGED adj. stubbornly determined.
DOGGERELSdoggerels n. Plural of doggerel.
DOGGEREL n. poor quality comic verse, also DOGGREL, DOGREL.
DOGGERIESdoggeries n. Plural of doggery.
DOGGERY n. surly behaviour.
DOGGESSESdoggesses n. Plural of doggess.
DOGGESS n. (facetious) a bitch.
EGREGIOUSegregious adj. Conspicuous, exceptional, outstanding; usually in a negative sense.
egregious adj. Outrageously bad; shocking.
EGREGIOUS adj. conspicuously bad or offensive.
GASOGENESgasogenes n. Plural of gasogene.
GASOGENE n. an apparatus for carbonating liquids, also GAZOGENE.
GAZOGENESgazogenes n. Plural of gazogene.
GAZOGENE n. an apparatus for carbonating liquids, also GASOGENE.
GEOGENIESgeogenies n. Plural of geogeny.
GEOGENY n. the science of the formation of the earth's crust, also GEOGONY.
GEOGNOSESGEOGNOSIS n. knowledge of the earth.
GEOGONIESgeogonies n. Plural of geogony.
GEOGONY n. the theory of the formation of the earth.
GEOLOGERSgeologers n. Plural of geologer.
GEOLOGER n. a geologist, also GEOLOGIAN.
GEOLOGIESgeologies n. Plural of geology.
GEOLOGY n. the science of the origin and structure of the earth.
GEOLOGISEgeologise v. Alternative form of geologize.
GEOLOGISE v. to engage in geology, also GEOLOGIZE.
HEDGEHOGShedgehogs n. Plural of hedgehog.
hedgehogs v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of hedgehog.
hedge-hogs n. Plural of hedge-hog.
HOGGERELShoggerels n. Plural of hoggerel.
HOGGEREL n. (dialect) a young sheep, also HOGG, HOGGET.
HOGGERIEShoggeries n. Plural of hoggery.
HOGGERY n. hogs collectively.
SOOGEEINGsoogeeing v. Present participle of soogee.
SOOGEE v. to clean a ship's deck with a solution of soap, soda etc., also SOOGIE, SOOJEY, SUJEE.
TOGGERIEStoggeries n. Plural of toggery.
TOGGERY n. clothes; garments; as, fishing toggery.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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