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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 14 nine-letter words containing 2E, 2G, N and O

CONGEEINGcongeeing v. Present participle of congee.
CONGEE v. to starch with congee, also CONJEE.
DOGGERMENdoggermen n. Plural of doggerman.
DOGGERMAN n. (Dutch) a sailor belonging to a dogger, a two-masted fishing vessel, used by the Dutch.
ERGOGENICergogenic adj. That enhances physical performance (especially in sports or exercise).
ERGOGENIC adj. enhancing physical performance e.g. of a protein supplement.
GALIONGEEgaliongee n. (Historical) A Turkish sailor.
GALIONGEE n. (Turkish) a Turkish sailor.
GASOGENESgasogenes n. Plural of gasogene.
GASOGENE n. an apparatus for carbonating liquids, also GAZOGENE.
GAZOGENESgazogenes n. Plural of gazogene.
GAZOGENE n. an apparatus for carbonating liquids, also GASOGENE.
GENEALOGYgenealogy n. (Countable) The descent of a person, family, or group from an ancestor or ancestors; lineage or pedigree.
genealogy n. (Countable) A record or table of such descent; a family tree.
genealogy n. (Uncountable) The study, and formal recording of such descents.
GEOGENIESgeogenies n. Plural of geogeny.
GEOGENY n. the science of the formation of the earth's crust, also GEOGONY.
GEOGNOSESGEOGNOSIS n. knowledge of the earth.
GEOGONIESgeogonies n. Plural of geogony.
GEOGONY n. the theory of the formation of the earth.
GUDGEONEDgudgeoned v. Simple past tense and past participle of gudgeon.
GUDGEON v. to defraud, dupe.
OLIGOGENEoligogene n. (Genetics) One of a few genes that, together, control a specific trait.
OLIGOGENE n. a type of gene.
REGGAETONreggaeton n. A style of Latin American popular music, originally developing from reggae in Panama but now more of…
reggaetón n. Alternative spelling of reggaeton.
REGGAETON n. a form of music blending West Indian music influences of reggae and dancehall with those of Latin America.
SOOGEEINGsoogeeing v. Present participle of soogee.
SOOGEE v. to clean a ship's deck with a solution of soap, soda etc., also SOOGIE, SOOJEY, SUJEE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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