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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 12 nine-letter words containing 2E, F, 2O and T

COFFEEPOTcoffeepot n. Alternative spelling of coffee pot.
coffee-pot n. Alternative form of coffee pot.
coffee␣pot n. A tall pot in which coffee is brewed or served.
FESTOONEDfestooned v. Simple past tense and past participle of festoon.
FESTOON v. to adorn with garlands.
FETOSCOPEfetoscope n. A flexible fibreoptic device used to view a foetus in the womb.
fetoscope n. A form of stethoscope for listening to the foetal heartbeat.
FETOSCOPE n. an instrument used for looking at the fetus.
FEVERROOTfeverroot n. The plant Ruellia tuberosa.
feverroot n. A plant in the genus Triosteum.
FEVERROOT n. an American wild plant.
FOCOMETERfocometer n. Alternative form of focimeter.
FOCOMETER n. an instrument for measuring the focal length of a lens, also FOCIMETER.
FORETOKENforetoken n. A prognostic; a premonitory sign; warning or presentiment.
foretoken v. (Transitive) To betoken beforehand; prognosticate; foreshadow; give warning of; presage.
FORETOKEN v. to be a sign of, forebode.
FOVEOLATEfoveolate adj. Having small pits or depressions, like the receptacle in some composite flowers.
FOVEOLATE adj. like a foveola, a small depression, also FOVEOLATED.
FREEBOOTSfreeboots v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of freeboot.
FREEBOOT v. to plunder.
FREEBOOTYfreebooty n. (Obsolete) freebootery.
ROOFTREESrooftrees n. Plural of rooftree.
roof␣trees n. (Archaic) plural of roof tree.
ROOFTREE n. a horizontal timber in a roof.
WEBFOOTEDwebfooted adj. Having webbed feet.
web-footed adj. Having webfeet.
WEBFOOTED adj. having webbed feet.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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