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There are 15 nine-letter words containing 2E, F, M, O and T

AFORETIMEaforetime adv. (Archaic) In time past; in a former time; formerly.
aforetime adj. (Archaic) Former.
AFORETIME adv. in time past; formerly.
FADOMETERfadometer n. A device that irradiates materials in order to test the degree to which they fade from exposure to sunlight.
FADOMETER n. an instrument used to determine the resistance to fading of a pigment or dye.
FEOFFMENTfeoffment n. (Law) The grant of a feud or fee.
feoffment n. (Law, UK) A gift or conveyance in fee of land or other corporeal hereditaments, accompanied by actual…
feoffment n. (Obsolete) The instrument or deed by which corporeal hereditaments are conveyed.
FERMENTORfermentor n. The vessel in which fermentation takes place.
FERMENTOR n. an agent that causes fermentation, also FERMENTER.
FLOWMETERflowmeter n. Any of various devices used to measure the flow of a fluid through a pipe, etc.
FLOWMETER n. an instrument for measuring the properties of flowing liquids.
FOCIMETERfocimeter n. A lensmeter (optician’s instrument).
focimeter n. (Photography, historical) A device that assists in focusing an object in or before a camera; usually…
FOCIMETER n. an instrument for measuring the focal length of a lens, also FOCOMETER.
FOCOMETERfocometer n. Alternative form of focimeter.
FOCOMETER n. an instrument for measuring the focal length of a lens, also FOCIMETER.
FOMENTERSfomenters n. Plural of fomenter.
FOMENTER n. one who foments.
FORCEMEATforcemeat n. (Cooking) An emulsion of fat and comminuted meat (which has been subject to puréeing, grinding, sieving…
FORCEMEAT n. meat chopped fine and highly seasoned, either served up alone, or used as a stuffing, also FARCEMEAT.
FOREMEANTforemeant adj. (Obsolete) Intended beforehand; premeditated.
FOREMEAN v. to intend beforehand.
FORETIMESforetimes n. Plural of foretime.
FORETIME n. the past; the time before the present.
MOFFETTESmoffettes n. Plural of moffette.
MOFFETTE n. (French) a fissure in the earth emitting carbon dioxide, also MOFETTE.
MOUTHFEELmouthfeel n. The texture of food, drink, etc. as perceived by the mouth.
MOUTHFEEL n. the sensory perception of a particular food while chewing.
REFORMATEreformate n. (Petrochemistry) The product of a hydrocarbon reforming process; an intermediate in the production of…
REFORMATE n. a product of hydrocarbon reforming.
THEREFROMtherefrom adv. (Formal) From that; from him, her, or it.
THEREFROM adv. from that.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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