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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 9 nine-letter words containing 3E, O, R and U

DESOEUVREDESOEUVRE adj. (French) unoccupied, at a loose end.
DOUCEPEREdoucepere n. Obsolete spelling of douzeper.
DOUCEPERE n. (Spenser) one of the twelve peers of France, companions of Charlemagne in war, also DOUZEPER.
ETHEREOUSethereous adj. (Obsolete) Formed of ether; ethereal.
ethereous adj. (Obsolete, chemistry) Of or resembling ether.
ETHEREOUS adj. (Milton) of or like the ether, also AETHEREAL, ETHEREAL, ETHERIAL.
EUROCREEPeurocreep n. Alternative form of Eurocreep.
Eurocreep n. (Uncountable, dated) The spreading use of the Euro as currency in countries that have not officially adopted it.
Eurocreep n. (Countable, by extension, derogatory) A proponent, in the 1980s, of closer ties between Britain and…
OUTPEEREDoutpeered v. Simple past tense and past participle of outpeer.
OUTPEER v. (Shakespeare) to surpass, excel.
QUEERCOREqueercore n. A subculture of young, rebellious homosexuals that was an offshoot of the punk movement of the 1980s.
queercore n. (Music) The aggressive rock music associated with this group of people.
Queercore n. Alternative spelling of queercore.
REREMOUSEreremouse n. (Rare, archaic, poetic or heraldry) A bat (flying mammal).
TREEHOUSEtreehouse n. A house, or similar structure within a tree, or several trees, built with light materials; wood, bamboo…
tree␣house n. (Chiefly US) a recreational structure built among the branches of a tree.
tree␣house n. A tropical residence built in a tree, or on stilts.
VENEREOUSvenereous adj. (Obsolete) venereal; exciting lust; aphrodisiac.
venereous adj. (Obsolete) lustful; lascivious; libidinous.
VENEREOUS adj. venereal; exciting lust, also VENEREAL, VENEREAN.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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