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There are 19 nine-letter words containing 3E, 2N and P

DEEPENINGdeepening v. Present participle of deepen.
deepening n. The act of becoming deeper.
DEEPENING n. the act of making deep.
DEPENDENTdependent adj. Relying upon; depending upon.
dependent adj. (Statistics) Having a probability that is affected by the outcome of a separate event.
dependent adj. (Of Irish/Manx/Scottish (Gaelic) verb forms) Used after a particle (with one or two exceptions), such…
EMPENNAGEempennage n. The tail assembly of an aircraft.
empennage n. The feathers of an arrow or the tail fins of a bomb or rocket used to stabilize the longitudinal axis…
EMPENNAGE n. (French) the tail assembly of an airplane.
INNKEEPERinnkeeper n. The person responsible for the running of an inn, usually the proprietor.
INNKEEPER n. a person in charge of an inn.
NEOPRENESneoprenes n. Plural of neoprene.
NEOPRENE n. (tradename) an oil-resisting and heat-resisting synthetic rubber.
NEPENTHESnepenthes n. A drug mentioned in Homer’s Odyssey (C. 8th century B.C.E.) as bringing relief from anxiety or grief;…
nepenthes n. A Southeast Asian carnivorous plant of the genus Nepenthes; a monkey cup or tropical pitcher plant.
nepenthes n. (Archaic) plural of nepenthe.
NEPHELINEnepheline n. (Mineralogy) A feldspathoid mineral of silica-poor igneous, plutonic and volcanic rocks. Chemically…
NEPHELINE n. a rock-forming mineral, silicate of sodium, potassium and aluminium, colourless, usually crystallizing in hexagonal prisms, also NEPHELITE.
NINEPENCEninepence n. (Obsolete, Britain) A former British silver coin, worth nine old pennies.
ninepence n. (Obsolete, Britain) Nine old pennies.
ninepence n. (Obsolete, New England) A Spanish real, valued at twelve and a half cents.
PEENGEINGPEENGE v. (Scots) to whine like a peevish child.
PENEPLANEpeneplane n. Alternative form of peneplain.
PENEPLANE n. a low gently, rolling landscape produced by long-continued erosion, also PENEPLAIN.
PENITENCEpenitence n. The condition of being penitent; a feeling of regret or remorse for doing wrong or sinning.
PENITENCE n. the state of being penitent, also PENITENCY.
PENNEECHSPENNEECH n. an old card game, also PENNEECK.
PENNEECKSPENNEECK n. an old card game, also PENNEECH.
PENNYFEESPENNYFEE n. (Scots) a small wage.
PENTYLENEPENTYLENE n. an unsaturated hydrocarbon of the olefine series, also PENTENE.
PERENNATEperennate v. (Botany) To survive from one growing season to the next.
PERENNATE v. to last or live through a number of years, as a perennial plant.
PERSIENNEpersienne n. Printed calico or similar material.
persienne n. A window blind with movable slats, similar to a Venetian blind.
PERSIENNE n. (French) an Eastern cambric or muslin with a coloured printed pattern; (in plural) Persian blinds, outside shutters of thin movable slats.
PHENYLENEphenylene n. (Chemistry) Any of three isomeric divalent aromatic radicals derived from benzene by removing two hydrogen…
PHENYLENE n. a compound derived from benzene.
TENPENCEStenpences n. Plural of tenpence.
TENPENCE n. the sum of ten pennies.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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