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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 16 nine-letter words containing 3E, I, R and X

EXCRETIVEexcretive adj. Having the power of excreting, or promoting excretion.
EXCRETIVE adj. having the power of excreting, or promoting excretion.
EXERCISEDexercised v. Simple past tense and past participle of exercise.
exercised adj. The property of having been exercised, used, acted upon.
exercised adj. Practiced, trained, experienced.
EXERCISERexerciser n. A person who exercises.
exerciser n. Any of many devices for use in exercising the body.
EXERCISER n. one who exercises.
EXERCISESexercises n. Plural of exercise.
exercises n. A ceremony or assembly: opening exercises; graduation exercises.
exercises v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of exercise.
EXPEDITERexpediter n. A person who expedites.
expediter n. Employee charged with tasks related to the purchase of materials (place orders, receive shipments, examine…
EXPEDITER n. one who expedites, also EXPEDITOR.
EXPERTISEexpertise n. Great skill or knowledge in a particular field or hobby.
expertise n. Advice, or opinion, of an expert.
expertise v. (Transitive, rare) To supply with expert knowledge or advice.
EXPERTIZEexpertize v. (Intransitive) To act as an expert.
expertize v. (Transitive) To give an expert opinion on; to assess.
EXPERTIZE v. to give an expert opinion on, also EXPERTISE.
EXSERTILEexsertile adj. (Biology) Capable of being thrust out or protruded.
EXSERTILE adj. capable of being thrust out or protruded.
EXTERMINEextermine v. (Transitive, obsolete) To exterminate (someone or something); to destroy.
EXTERMINE v. (Shakespeare) to exterminate.
PREEXCITEpreexcite v. (Transitive, medicine) To excite earlier than usual.
PREEXCITE v. to stimulate in preparation.
REEXAMINEreexamine v. Alternative spelling of re-examine.
reëxamine v. Rare spelling of reexamine.
re-examine v. (Transitive) To examine again.
REFLEXIVEreflexive adj. (Grammar) Referring back to the subject, or having an object equal to the subject.
reflexive adj. (Mathematics) Of a relation R on a set S, such that xRx for all members x of S (that is, the relation…
reflexive adj. Of or resulting from a reflex.
REINDEXEDreindexed v. Simple past tense and past participle of reindex.
REINDEX v. to index again.
REINDEXESreindexes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of reindex.
REINDEX v. to index again.
SEXERCISEsexercise n. Sexual exercise; the performance of sexual activity as a means of promoting health and fitness.
sexercise n. Exercise that is directed towards the improvement of sexual performance.
SEXERCISE n. sexual activity regarded as a way of keeping fit.
SIXTEENERsixteener n. (Historical) During the American Civil War, a child who, having reached the age of 16, was discharged…
SIXTEENER n. a verse of sixteen syllables.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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