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There are 14 nine-letter words containing 3E, H, O and T

DOPESHEETdope-sheet n. Alternative form of dope sheet.
dope␣sheet n. (Idiomatic) A summary, ordinarily in the form of a document, containing important facts and background…
dope␣sheet n. (Idiomatic, gambling) A publication, updated very frequently and used by people who make horse racing…
ETHEREOUSethereous adj. (Obsolete) Formed of ether; ethereal.
ethereous adj. (Obsolete, chemistry) Of or resembling ether.
ETHEREOUS adj. (Milton) of or like the ether, also AETHEREAL, ETHEREAL, ETHERIAL.
FORESHEETforesheet n. (Nautical) one of the sheets (ropes) that controls the foresail.
FORESHEET n. a rope used for trimming the foresail; the space near bow of open boat.
FORETEETHforeteeth n. Plural of foretooth.
FORETOOTH n. a front tooth.
HETEROSESheteroses n. Plural of heterosis.
HETEROSIS n. the increased size and vigor attributable to hybridization.
MOTHERESEmotherese n. Baby talk.
MOTHERESE n. a simplified and repetitive type of speech used by adults in speaking to babies.
PHENETOLEphenetole n. (Organic chemistry) ethyl phenyl ether.
PHENETOLE n. the ethyl ether of phenol, obtained as an aromatic liquid, also PHENETOL.
RHEOMETERrheometer n. A device used to measure the flow properties of fluids with variable viscosity.
rheometer n. (Obsolete) A device used to measure the flow of electric current: an ammeter.
rheometer n. (Now rare) A flowmeter, especially for water or blood.
SHEEPCOTEsheepcote n. (Archaic) A small building for sheltering sheep.
SHEEPCOTE n. a small inclosure for sheep, also SHEEPCOT.
SHOETREESshoetrees n. Plural of shoetree.
shoe␣trees n. Plural of shoe tree.
SHOETREE n. a device for preventing shoes from losing their shape.
TELEPHONEtelephone n. A telecommunication device (originally mechanical, and now electronic) used for two-way talking with…
telephone n. (North America, uncountable) The game of Chinese whispers.
telephone n. (North America, uncountable, figuratively) Chinese whispers; a situation in which an initial message…
THEREFOREtherefore adv. (Conjunctive) Consequently, by or in consequence of that or this cause; referring to something previously stated.
therefore adv. (Conjunctive, archaic) for that; for it (in reference to a previous statement).
THEREFORE adv. for that reason.
THREESOMEthreesome n. A group of three people or things.
threesome n. An instance of sexual activity involving three people.
THREESOME n. a set of three.
TREEHOUSEtreehouse n. A house, or similar structure within a tree, or several trees, built with light materials; wood, bamboo…
tree␣house n. (Chiefly US) a recreational structure built among the branches of a tree.
tree␣house n. A tropical residence built in a tree, or on stilts.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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