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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 10 nine-letter words containing 3E, F and 2L

DEFUELLEDdefuelled v. Simple past tense and past participle of defuel.
DEFUEL v. to remove fuel from.
FELLAHEENfellaheen n. Plural of fellah.
FELLAH n. (Arabic) a peasant or labourer in Arab countries.
FEMERELLSfemerells n. Plural of femerell.
FEMERELL n. a ventilator or smoke outlet in a roof, also FEMERALL.
FERRELLEDferrelled adj. Alternative form of ferruled.
FERREL v. to fit with a metal cap to prevent splitting, also FERRULE, FERULE.
FEUILLETEfeuilleté n. A dish made with thin layers of puff pastry.
FEUILLETE n. (French) a puff pastry.
FULLERENEfullerene n. (Inorganic chemistry) Any of a class of allotropes of carbon having hollow molecules whose atoms lie…
fullerene n. (Organic chemistry) Any closed-cage compound having twenty or more carbon atoms consisting entirely…
fullerene n. (Chemistry, by extension) The class of carbon allotropes consisting of tubular carbon molecules (carbon…
LEAFLETEDleafleted v. Simple past tense and past participle of leaflet.
LEAFLET v. to distribute printed sheets of paper.
LEAFLETERleafleter n. A person who distributes leaflets.
LEAFLETER n. one who distributes leaflets, also LEAFLETEER.
NEEDLEFULneedleful n. As much thread as is put into a needle at one time.
NEEDLEFUL n. as much thread as is used in a needle at one time.
REFUELLEDrefuelled v. (Britain) simple past tense and past participle of refuel.
REFUEL v. to fill with fuel.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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