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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 10 nine-letter words containing 4E, N and V

ELEVENSESelevenses n. (Britain, informal) A short mid-morning break taken around eleven o’clock for a drink or light snack.
ELEVENSES n. a light meal or coffee break at around 11 a.m.
ENFEVEREDenfevered v. Simple past tense and past participle of enfever.
ENFEVER v. to excite fever in.
EVENEMENTEVENEMENT n. (French) an event or happening; specifically a political strike.
EVERGREENevergreen adj. Of plants, especially trees, that do not shed their leaves seasonally.
evergreen adj. (Often figuratively) Continually fresh or self-renewing.
evergreen adj. (Broadcasting) Suitable for transmission at any time; not urgent or time-dependent.
REVERENCEreverence n. Veneration; profound awe and respect, normally in a sacred context.
reverence n. An act of showing respect, such as a bow.
reverence n. The state of being revered.
SEVENTEENseventeen num. The cardinal number occurring after sixteen and before eighteen, represented in Roman numerals as XVII…
SEVENTEEN n. a number, ten and seven.
SLEEVEENSsleeveens n. Plural of sleeveen.
SLEEVEEN n. (Irish) a crafty, smooth-talking person.
VEHEMENCEvehemence n. An intense concentration, force or power.
vehemence n. A wild or turbulent ferocity or fury.
vehemence n. Eagerness, fervor, excessive strong feeling.
VELVETEENvelveteen n. A cotton fabric with a short pile, resembling velvet.
VELVETEEN n. a kind of cloth, usually cotton, made in imitation of velvet.
VENEERERSveneerers n. Plural of veneerer.
VENEERER n. one who veneers.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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