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There are 20 eight-letter words containing E, 2O, 2R and T

BOORTREEBOORTREE n. (Scots) the elder-tree, also BOURTREE, BOUNTREE.
CORRETTOCORRETTO n. (Italian) espresso with booze.
HOROPTERhoropter n. For any system of binocular vision, a three-dimensional curve containing all points from which the light…
HOROPTER n. a set of points which have the same visual angle.
OPERATORoperator n. One who operates.
operator n. A telecommunications facilitator whose job is to establish temporary network connections.
operator n. (Mathematics) A function or other mapping that carries variables defined on a domain into another variable…
OROMETERorometer n. An aneroid barometer having a second scale that gives the approximate elevation above sea level of the…
OROMETER n. a barometer showing height above sea-level.
OUTROPERoutroper n. (Law) A person to whom the business of selling by auction was confined by statute.
outroper n. (Historical) An officer in London who seized the goods of foreigners sold elsewhere than in the public market.
OUTROPER n. (obsolete) an auctioneer; the Common Crier of the City, also OUTROOPER.
PREMOTORpremotor adj. (Anatomy) Near the front of the motor cortex; see premotor cortex.
premotor adj. (Physiology) Describing the interval between the arrival of a stimulus and the first changes in a muscle.
PREMOTOR adj. pertaining to a part of the frontal lobe of the brain.
PROMOTERpromoter n. One who promotes.
promoter n. (Genetics) The section of DNA that controls the initiation of RNA transcription as a product of a gene.
promoter n. An accelerator of catalysis that is not itself a catalyst.
PROTORESPROTORE n. an earlier unenriched form of a mineral ore.
RATOONERratooner n. (Agriculture) A plant that sprouts ratoons.
RATOONER n. a plant that ratoons.
REDROOTSredroots n. Plural of redroot.
REDROOT n. a plant with a red root and red sap, and bearing a pretty, white flower in early spring, aka puccoon, bloodroot.
RESTROOMrestroom n. (US, euphemistic) A room containing a public toilet: a public lavatory.
rest␣room n. Alternative spelling of restroom.
RESTROOM n. a room furnished with toilets and washbasins.
ROOFTREErooftree n. The primary beam of a roof; the ridgepole; hence, the roof itself.
rooftree n. (Figuratively) A home; a household.
roof␣tree n. (Archaic) The ridgepole of a peaked roof, especially that of a house.
ROOSTERSroosters n. Plural of rooster.
ROOSTER n. a domestic cock.
ROOTSIERrootsier adj. Comparative form of rootsy: more rootsy.
ROOTSY adj. reminiscent of folk styles.
ROSEROOTroseroot n. Rhodiola rosea, a perennial crassulaceous plant with many claimed health benefits that grows in cold regions.
ROSEROOT n. a fleshy-leaved herb, so called because the roots have the odor of roses.
SORORATEsororate n. The custom of the marriage of a man to the sister of his wife, usually after the wife has died.
sororate n. A marriage according to this custom.
SORORATE n. the marriage of a man with his dead wife's sister.
TOREADORtoreador n. (Bullfighting) A bullfighter, especially one on horseback.
TOREADOR n. (Spanish) the old name for a torero, a bullfighter, esp. on horseback.
TROOPERStroopers n. Plural of trooper.
troopers v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of trooper.
TROOPER n. a cavalryman.
UPROOTERuprooter n. One who, or that which, uproots.
UPROOTER n. one who uproots.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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