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There are 12 eight-letter words containing E, 2O, P, T and Y

EPIZOOTYepizooty n. An epizootic disease or outbreak.
EPIZOOTY n. a type of animal disease.
HOLOTYPEholotype n. (Taxonomy) The single physical example (or illustration) of an organism used to formally describe the…
HOLOTYPE n. the original type specimen of an animal or plant.
HOMOTYPEhomotype n. (Biology) That which has the same fundamental type of structure with something else.
HOMOTYPE n. something with the same basic structure as another.
HONEYPOThoneypot n. A pot of honey.
honeypot n. (Figuratively) Something or someone similarly sweet or enticing, particularly…
honeypot n. (Obsolete, euphemistic) A chamberpot.
LOGOTYPElogotype n. A symbol or emblem that acts as a trademark or a means of identification of an institution or other…
logotype n. (Typography) A single type combining two or more letters (as a ligature or otherwise).
LOGOTYPE n. a piece of type representing a word or several letters cast in one piece.
MONOTYPEmonotype n. (Art, printing) A print made by creating the design using oil paint or printer’s ink on metal or glass…
monotype n. (Art, printing, uncountable) The technique of making such prints.
monotype n. (Biology) A monotypic taxon.
OOPHYTESoophytes n. Plural of oophyte.
oöphytes n. Plural of oöphyte.
OOPHYTE n. a stage of development in certain plants.
ORTHOEPYorthoepy n. Synonym of phonology: the study of pronunciation.
orthoepy n. Accepted or customary pronunciation.
orthœpy n. (US, rare, obsolete, hypercorrect) Nonstandard spelling of orthoepy.
OXYTROPEoxytrope n. (Botany) Synonym of locoweed.
OXYTROPE n. a genus of plants in the legume family, including locoweed.
TOPOTYPEtopotype n. (Geology) type locality.
topotype n. (Taxonomy) A specimen from the type locality.
TOPOTYPE n. a specimen selected from a locality typical of a species.
ZOOPHYTEzoophyte n. (Biology, historical) An animal thought to have the characteristics of a plant, later specifically an…
zoophyte n. (Biology, historical) A plant believed to have the characteristics of an animal, especially a sensitive…
zoöphyte n. Alternative spelling of zoophyte.
ZOOTYPESzootypes n. Plural of zootype.
ZOOTYPE n. an animal serving as a type.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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