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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 12 eight-letter words containing E, N, 2O and 2T

CONCETTOconcetto n. (Literature) Affected wit; a witty turn of phrase; a conceit.
CONCETTO n. (Italian) an ingenious expression, a witticism.
CONFETTOconfetto n. (Rare) A single piece of confetti; singular of confetti.
CONFETTO n. (Italian) a small piece of paper thrown at a wedding.
CORNETTOcornetto n. (Music) A trumpet-like wind instrument used in European music of the medieval, Renaissance, and Baroque periods.
cornetto n. An Italian pastry, a kind of croissant.
CORNETTO n. (Italian) an old woodwind instrument, now revived for performances of early music.
COTTONEDcottoned v. Simple past tense and past participle of cotton.
COTTON v. to take a liking to.
FOOTNOTEfootnote n. A short piece of text, often numbered, placed at the bottom of a printed page, that adds a comment…
footnote n. (By extension) An event of lesser importance than some larger event to which it is related.
footnote n. A qualification to the import of something.
NETROOTSnetroots n. (Politics, US politics) Grassroots political activism on the internet, especially on blogs.
NETROOT n. a political activist who promotes his or her cause via the internet.
NONETTOSnonettos n. Plural of nonetto.
NONETTO n. (Italian) a musical piece for nine players, also NONET, NONETTE.
POTSTONEpotstone n. (Mineralogy) A variety of steatite sometimes manufactured into culinary vessels.
POTSTONE n. a variety of steatite sometimes manufactured into culinary vessels.
TENOTOMYtenotomy n. (Surgery) The surgical procedure of cutting, or making an incision in, a tendon.
TENOTOMY n. the surgical division of a tendon.
TESTOONStestoons n. Plural of testoon.
TESTOON n. a Portuguese or Italian teston, a kind of coin.
TOPSTONEtopstone n. A stone that is placed on the top, or which forms the top.
TOPSTONE n. the stone at the top of a structure.
TOSTONEStostones n. Plural of tostone.
TOSTONE n. (Spanish) a Mexican dish of fried plantains.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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