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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 14 eight-letter words containing E, 2N, O and 2T

ANNOTATEannotate v. (Transitive) To add annotation to.
ANNOTATE v. to append notes.
CONTENTScontents n. Plural of content.
contents n. (Usually in the plural) That which is contained.
contents n. (Plural only) A table of contents, a list of chapters, etc. in a book, and the page numbers on which they start.
COTENANTcotenant n. (Property law) A person who shares a tenancy with another; a co-owner of an interest in property.
COTENANT n. a joint tenant.
INTONATEintonate v. (Transitive, intransitive, dated) To intone or recite (words), especially emphatically or in a chanting manner.
intonate v. (Transitive, dated) To say or speak with a certain intonation.
intonate v. (Transitive, dated) To intone or vocalize (musical notes); to sound the tones of the musical scale;…
NONETTESnonettes n. Plural of nonette.
NONETTE n. a musical piece for nine players, also NONET, NONETTO.
NONETTOSnonettos n. Plural of nonetto.
NONETTO n. (Italian) a musical piece for nine players, also NONET, NONETTE.
NONSTATEnonstate adj. Not constituting or belonging to a state; not characterised by the institutional power or authority…
nonstate n. A sociopolitical entity other than a state.
non-state adj. Alternative form of nonstate.
NONTITLEnontitle adj. Not of or pertaining to a title.
NONTITLE adj. pertaining to an event where the title is not at stake.
OINTMENTointment n. (Medicine) A viscous preparation of oils and/or fats, usually containing medication, used as a treatment…
ointment n. A substance used to anoint, as in religious rituals.
OINTMENT n. a viscous preparation applied to the skin as a medicine or cosmetic.
TINSTONEtinstone n. The mineral cassiterite.
TINSTONE n. an ore of tin, cassiterite.
TONTINERtontiner n. Alternative form of tontineer (a member of a tontine).
TONTINER n. the receiver of an annuity.
TONTINEStontines n. Plural of tontine.
TONTINE n. a form of collective life insurance.
UNGOTTENungotten adj. Not got or gotten; not acquired.
UNGET v. to deny the begetting of.
UNROTTENunrotten adj. Not rotten.
UNROTTEN adj. not rotten.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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