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There are 16 eight-letter words containing E, 2N, O, P and T

DEPONENTdeponent adj. (Grammar, of a verb) Having passive grammatical form (that is, conjugating like the passive voice)…
deponent n. (Law) A witness; especially one who gives information under oath, in a deposition concerning facts known…
deponent n. (Grammar) A deponent verb.
ENDPOINTendpoint n. Either of the two points at the ends of a line segment.
endpoint n. (Biology, medicine) A defined occurrence during the observation period of an experiment or study.
endpoint n. (Chemistry) The stage in a titration at which a change in the colour of an indicator indicates that…
EXPONENTexponent n. One who expounds, represents or advocates.
exponent n. (Mathematics) The number by which a value (called the base) is said to be raised to a power in exponentiation…
exponent n. (Mathematics, obsolete) The degree to which the root of a radicand is found, for example, the 2 in 2]𝑟=𝑏.
IMPONENTimponent adj. That imposes a rule.
imponent n. One who imposes a rule.
IMPONENT n. someone who imposes an obligation.
NONEMPTYnonempty adj. Not empty, containing something.
nonempty adj. (Mathematics) Of a set, containing at least one element, thereby being distinct from the empty set.
non-empty adj. (Set theory) Of a set, containing at least one element; not the empty set.
NONUPLETnonuplet n. A group of nine, particularly (music) a tuplet of nine notes.
nonuplet n. One of a group of nine, particularly one of nine babies born from the same mother at one time.
NONUPLET n. a group of nine notes to be performed in the time of eight or six.
OPPONENTopponent n. One who opposes another; one who works or takes a position against someone or something; one who attempts…
opponent adj. (Obsolete) Opposing; adverse; antagonistic.
opponent adj. (Obsolete) Situated in front; opposite.
PANTHEONpantheon n. A temple dedicated to all the gods.
pantheon n. (Mythology) All the gods of a particular people or religion, particularly the ancient Greek gods residing…
pantheon n. (By extension) A category or classification denoting the most honored persons of a group.
PATRONNEpatronne n. (In France) A woman who is the owner (or wife of an owner) of a business such as a bar or restaurant.
PATRONNE n. (French) a (female) proprietor of a restaurant.
PENPOINTpenpoint n. The point of a pen (writing implement).
PENPOINT n. the point of a pen.
PENTAGONpentagon n. (Geometry) A polygon with five sides and five angles.
pentagon n. A fort with five bastions.
Pentagon prop.n. The headquarters of the United States Department of Defense.
PENTANOLpentanol n. (Organic chemistry) Any of several isomers of the alcohol C5H11OH; the principal constituents of fusel…
PENTANOL n. one of the simple alcohols.
PENTOSANpentosan n. (Biochemistry) Any polysaccharide composed of pentoses.
PENTOSAN n. a complex carbohydrate found in cellulose, also PENTOSANE.
PIMENTONPIMENTON n. smoked chilli powder.
POINTMENpointmen n. Plural of pointman.
point␣men n. Plural of point man.
POINTMAN n. the soldier at the head of a patrol.
TWOPENNYtwopenny adj. Having a value or cost of twopence.
twopenny adj. Cheap; worthless; petty.
twopenny n. (Britain, countable, dated) A coin or stamp worth two pence.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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