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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 15 eight-letter words containing E, M, P, 2R and T

IMPARTERimparter n. One who imparts.
IMPARTER n. one who imparts.
IMPORTERimporter n. One who, or that which, imports: especially a person or company importing goods into a country.
IMPORTER n. one that imports.
PREMOTORpremotor adj. (Anatomy) Near the front of the motor cortex; see premotor cortex.
premotor adj. (Physiology) Describing the interval between the arrival of a stimulus and the first changes in a muscle.
PREMOTOR adj. pertaining to a part of the frontal lobe of the brain.
PRETERMSpreterms n. Plural of preterm.
PRETERM n. a prematurely born baby.
PRETRIMSpretrims v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of pretrim.
PRETRIM v. to trim beforehand.
PROMOTERpromoter n. One who promotes.
promoter n. (Genetics) The section of DNA that controls the initiation of RNA transcription as a product of a gene.
promoter n. An accelerator of catalysis that is not itself a catalyst.
PROMPTERprompter adj. Comparative form of prompt: more prompt.
prompter n. (Theater) The person who does the prompting.
PROMPTER n. one that prompts.
REIMPORTreimport n. The act or practice of importing again, or back to a place of origin; reimportation.
reimport n. A product which has been reimported.
reimport v. To import again.
RETEMPERretemper v. To temper again.
RETEMPER v. to modify again.
TAMPERERtamperer n. One who tampers.
TAMPERER n. one who tampers.
TEMPERERtemperer n. A person who tempers (in any meaning).
temperer n. A device that tempers; an annealer.
temperer n. A machine in which lime, cement, stone, etc., are mixed with water.
TRAMPERStrampers n. Plural of tramper.
TRAMPER n. one who tramps, a vagrant.
TRAMPIERtrampier adj. Comparative form of trampy: more trampy.
TRAMPY adj. having the characteristics of a vagrant.
TRAMPLERtrampler n. One who tramples.
TRAMPLER n. one who tramples.
TRUMPERYtrumpery n. Worthless finery; bric-a-brac or junk.
trumpery n. Nonsense.
trumpery n. (Obsolete) Deceit; fraud.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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