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There are 17 eight-letter words containing E, M, 2O and 2R

BROOMIERbroomier adj. Comparative form of broomy: more broomy.
BROOMY adj. abounding in broom (a shrub).
CROMORNEcromorne n. A French woodwind instrument resembling the crumhorn.
CROMORNE n. (German) an ancient double-reed wind instrument, also CREMONA, CREMORNE, CROMORNA, CRUMHORN, KRUMHORN, KRUMMHORN.
FIREROOMfireroom n. (Nautical) stokehold.
FIREROOM n. a room containing a ship's boilers.
GROOMERSgroomers n. Plural of groomer.
GROOMER n. one that grooms.
MAROONERmarooner n. Someone marooned.
Marooner n. (Slang) A member of the American pop rock band Maroon 5.
MAROONER n. one who maroons.
MOREOVERmoreover adv. (Conjunctive) In addition to what has been said; furthermore; additionally.
MOREOVER adv. in addition.
MOREPORKmorepork n. (Chiefly New Zealand) The Tasmanian spotted owl (Ninox novaeseelandiae), a small brown owl indigenous…
morepork n. (Australia, New Zealand, colloquial, derogatory) Used as a mild term of abuse.
morepork interj. The call of a morepork.
NORMCOREnormcore n. (Fashion) A unisex fashion trend characterized by average-looking, unpretentious clothing.
normcore n. (By extension, attributively) Any style that is mainstream or unremarkable.
NORMCORE n. a consciously unobtrusive style of dress.
OROMETERorometer n. An aneroid barometer having a second scale that gives the approximate elevation above sea level of the…
OROMETER n. a barometer showing height above sea-level.
PREMOTORpremotor adj. (Anatomy) Near the front of the motor cortex; see premotor cortex.
premotor adj. (Physiology) Describing the interval between the arrival of a stimulus and the first changes in a muscle.
PREMOTOR adj. pertaining to a part of the frontal lobe of the brain.
PRODROMEprodrome n. (Rare) A precursor or harbinger; also a warning event.
prodrome n. An introductory or preliminary book or treatise.
prodrome n. (Medicine) An early sign or symptom (or set of signs and symptoms) warning of the onset of a disease.
PROMOTERpromoter n. One who promotes.
promoter n. (Genetics) The section of DNA that controls the initiation of RNA transcription as a product of a gene.
promoter n. An accelerator of catalysis that is not itself a catalyst.
REGROOMSregrooms v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of regroom.
REGROOM v. to groom again.
RESTROOMrestroom n. (US, euphemistic) A room containing a public toilet: a public lavatory.
rest␣room n. Alternative spelling of restroom.
RESTROOM n. a room furnished with toilets and washbasins.
SHROOMERshroomer n. (Informal) A person who gathers wild mushrooms.
shroomer n. (Slang) A person who consumes hallucinogenic mushrooms for their effects.
SHROOMER n. one who takes magic mushrooms.
SOMBREROsombrero n. A kind of hat with a high conical or cylindrical crown and a saucer-shaped brim, highly embroidered…
sombrero n. A mixed drink with coffee liqueur and cream.
sombrero n. (Bowling) A series of four consecutive strikes.
WAREROOMwareroom n. A room used for storing or displaying goods or wares.
WAREROOM n. a room for the display of goods.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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