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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 12 eight-letter words containing E, M, 2N and 2O

COGNOMENcognomen n. Surname.
cognomen n. (Historical, Ancient Rome) The third part of the name of a citizen of Ancient Rome.
cognomen n. A nickname or epithet by which someone is identified.
CONWOMENconwomen n. Plural of conwoman.
con␣women n. Plural of con woman.
CONWOMAN n. a (female) confidence trickster.
ENCOMIONencomion n. (Obsolete) encomium; panegyric.
ENCOMION n. (Greek) glowing and warmly enthusiastic praise, also ENCOMIUM.
MONOGENYmonogeny n. Synonym of monogenesis.
monogeny n. (Anthropology) The doctrine that all of the members of the human race have a common origin.
MONOGENY n. the (theoretical) common origin of the human species, esp. from one pair of ancestors.
MONOKINEmonokine n. (Biochemistry) A cytokine produced by monocytes (or macrophages).
MONOKINE n. a substance secreted by white blood cells.
MONOLINEmonoline n. (Business) A company operating in only one industry or line of business; often specifically a bank specializing…
monoline n. (Finance) An insurer specialized in insuring investment-grade securities against loss.
monoline n. (Calligraphy) A font line of consistent width, as occurs when imitating pencil script.
MONOTONEmonotone adj. (Of speech or a sound) Having a single unvaried pitch.
monotone adj. (Mathematics) Being, or having the salient properties of, a monotone function.
monotone n. A single unvaried tone of speech or a sound.
NOMOGENYnomogeny n. The origination of life according to natural law, not by a miracle.
NOMOGENY n. natural rather than religious account of the origin of life.
NONMETROnonmetro adj. Nonmetropolitan.
NONMETRO adj. not metropolitan.
NONMONEYnonmoney adj. Not of or pertaining to money.
NONMONEY adj. not involving money.
NOONTIMEnoontime n. Noon.
noontime n. Approximately noon.
noontime n. (Figurative) The time at which something peaks in some way (e.g., in vitality, in influence, in reknown)…
NOUMENONnoumenon n. (From Kantian philosophy on) A thing as it is independent of any conceptualization or perception by…
NOUMENON n. (Greek) an object of purely intellectual intuition as opposed to an object of sensuous perception phenomenon.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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