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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 20 eight-letter words containing E, L, O, 2S and W

BROWLESSbrowless adj. Without a brow or eyebrows.
browless adj. (Obsolete) Without shame.
BROWLESS adj. without eyebrows.
DOWLASESdowlases n. Plural of dowlas.
DOWLAS n. a coarse linen cloth.
DOWNLESSdownless adj. Of a bird, lacking down feathers.
DOWNLESS adj. having no down (soft, fluffy feathers).
GALOWSESGALOWSES n. (Shakespeare) gallows.
LEASOWESleasowes n. Plural of leasowe.
LEASOWE v. (Old English) to pasture, also LEASOW.
LEWISSONlewisson n. A cramp iron inserted into a cavity in order to lift heavy stones.
LEWISSON n. a dovetailed iron tenon made to fit into a stone so that it can be hoisted, also LEWIS.
SCOWLERSscowlers n. Plural of scowler.
SCOWLER n. one who scowls.
SEAFOWLSseafowls n. Plural of seafowl.
SEAFOWL n. a seabird.
SLOWNESSslowness n. The quality or state of being slow.
slowness n. (Physics) A unit, the reciprocal of velocity, that delineates the amount of time required for an object…
SLOWNESS n. the state of being slow.
SNOWLESSsnowless adj. Without snow, not having any snow.
SNOWLESS adj. without snow.
SWOZZLESswozzles n. Plural of swozzle.
SWOZZLE n. an instrument which produces Mr Punch's voice, also SWAZZLE.
THOWLESSthowless adj. Alternative form of thewless.
THOWLESS adj. (Scots) pithless, listless, also THEWLESS.
TOWNLESStownless adj. Without a town or towns.
TOWNLESS adj. having no towns.
WONTLESSwontless adj. (Obsolete) unaccustomed.
WONTLESS adj. (archaic) unaccustomed.
WOODLESSwoodless adj. Without wood.
WOODLESS adj. having no wood.
WOOLSEYSWoolseys prop.n. Plural of Woolsey.
WOOLSEY n. (obsolete) a cotton and wool blend.
WOOSELLSWOOSELL n. (Shakespeare) an ouzel, also WOOSEL.
WORDLESSwordless adj. Conveyed without the use of words; unspoken or unsaid.
wordless adj. Unable or unwilling to speak; dumb, silent or inarticulate.
WORDLESS adj. without words.
WORKLESSworkless adj. Devoid of work.
workless adj. Having no work to do; unemployed.
workless adj. (Obsolete) Not carried out in practice; not exemplified in fact.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 62 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 5 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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