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There are 18 eight-letter words containing E, L, O, R, U and V

LOUVEREDlouvered adj. (American spelling) Having louvers.
LOUVERED adj. having louvers, sloping slats placed across an opening, also LOUVRED.
OUTLIVERoutliver n. (Obsolete) A survivor.
OUTLIVER n. one who outlives.
OVERBULKoverbulk v. To oppress by bulk; to tower over.
OVERBULK v. (Shakespeare) to oppress by bulk.
OVERCLUBoverclub v. (Golf, transitive, intransitive) To take (a shot) with a golf club that provides too much distance.
OVERCLUB v. to hit a shot too far through using a club with insufficient loft.
OVERFOULoverfoul v. (Transitive) To foul excessively.
OVERFOUL adj. excessively foul.
OVERFULLoverfull adj. Excessively filled; full to overflowing.
overfull n. (Poker) A full house that beats someone else’s full house.
OVERFULL adj. too full.
OVERHAULoverhaul n. A major repair, renovation, or revision.
overhaul n. (Firefighting) The process after the fire appears extinguished in which the firefighters search the…
overhaul v. To modernize, repair, renovate, or revise completely.
OVERLOUDoverloud adj. Too loud.
OVERLOUD adj. excessively loud.
OVERLUSHoverlush adj. Excessively lush.
OVERLUSH adj. excessively lush.
OVERPLUSoverplus n. That which remains beyond what is necessary or required; a surplus.
OVERPLUS n. a surplus.
OVERRULEoverrule v. (Transitive) To rule over; to govern or determine by superior authority.
overrule v. (Transitive) To rule or determine in a contrary way; to decide against; to abrogate or alter.
overrule v. (Transitive) To nullify a previous ruling by a higher power.
OVERSOULoversoul n. (Philosophy, especially in transcendentalism) A supreme reality or mind; the spiritual unity of all being.
OVERSOUL n. the divine principle forming the spiritual unity of all.
PULLOVERpullover n. A sweater that must be put on by pulling it over the head; a sweater without buttons or a zipper in front.
pullover n. (Weightlifting) An exercise performed lying on the back in which the arms are extended behind the head…
pullover n. (Gymnastics, horizontal bar) An exercise in which the gymnast pulls up from a hang lifting the legs…
REVOLUTErevolute adj. Rolled or recurved on itself.
revolute adj. (Botany) Having the edges rolled with the abaxial side outward.
revolute v. To roll back, curve upwards.
RIVULOSErivulose adj. Marked by thin, winding or crooked lines.
RIVULOSE adj. having narrow, winding lines.
SOURVELDsourveld n. (South Africa, agriculture) A veld characterized by low levels of moisture and rough brush.
SOURVELD n. (South African) in South Africa, a type of grazing characterised by long coarse grass.
TRUELOVEtruelove n. One who is truly beloved; a true love.
truelove n. (Botany) A plant, Paris quadrifolia.
Truelove prop.n. A surname.
VERMOULUVERMOULU adj. (French) eaten by worms.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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