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There are 16 eight-letter words containing E, L, 2O, R and W

BOBOWLERbobowler n. (UK, dialect, obsolete, Black Country) A large moth.
BOBOWLER n. a type of large moth.
COLEWORTcolewort n. A plant of the genus Brassica; now specifically, a Brassica plant without a head used for food, such as kale.
COLEWORT n. a plant of the cabbage family, also COLE, COLESEED.
FOLLOWERfollower n. (Literally) One who follows, comes after another.
follower n. Something that comes after another thing.
follower n. One who is a part of master’s physical group, such as a servant or retainer.
FORESLOWforeslow v. (Obsolete, intransitive) To be slow or tardy; to slow down.
foreslow v. (Obsolete, transitive) To slow, hinder, delay, impede.
fore-slow v. Alternative form of forslow.
HOLLOWERhollower adj. Comparative form of hollow: more hollow.
hollower n. One who or that which hollows something.
HOLLOW adj. not solid.
OVERBLOWoverblow v. (Transitive) To cover with blossoms or flowers.
overblow v. (Intransitive, obsolete) To blow over; pass over; pass away.
overblow v. (Intransitive) To blow hard or with much violence.
OVERFLOWoverflow n. The spillage resultant from overflow; excess.
overflow n. Outlet for escape of excess material.
overflow n. (Computing) The situation where a value exceeds the available numeric range.
OVERSLOWoverslow adj. Too slow.
overslow v. To render slow; to check; to curb.
OVERSLOW adj. excessively slow.
OWERLOUPOWERLOUP v. (Scots) to leap over, also OVERLEAP.
ROSEBOWLrosebowl n. An often ornamental transparent bowl for the display of flowers.
Rose␣Bowl prop.n. (US, American football) The annual NCAA college football championship game typically played on New Year’s Day.
Rose␣Bowl prop.n. The namesake stadium in Pasadena, California where the game is played.
WATERLOOWaterloo prop.n. A village in Walloon Brabant, Belgium; the site of a major military battle in 1815.
Waterloo prop.n. A battle fought at Waterloo, Belgium on June 18, 1815, resulting in the epic, final defeat of Napoleon Bonaparte.
Waterloo prop.n. A district and large railway terminus in central London, England.
WOODLOREwoodlore n. Skills relating to living in a woodland environment; woodcraft.
WOODLORE n. knowledge of the forest.
WOOLDERSwoolders n. Plural of woolder.
WOOLDER n. a stick used to tighten the rope in woolding.
WOOLLIERwoollier adj. Comparative form of woolly: more woolly.
WOOLLY adj. like wool.
WORDLOREwordlore n. (Uncommon) The science, study, or knowledge of words.
WORDLORE n. information about the history of words.
WORMHOLEwormhole n. A hole burrowed by a worm.
wormhole n. (Relativity) A hypothetical shortcut between two points in spacetime, permitting faster-than-light travel…
wormhole n. (Programming, slang) A location in a monitor program containing the address of a routine, allowing the…

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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