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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 13 eight-letter words containing E, L, 2O and 2R

COLORERScolorers n. Plural of colorer.
COLORER n. one that colors, also COLOURER.
COLORIERCOLORY adj. full of color, also COLOURY.
COLOURERcolourer n. Alternative form of colorer.
COLOURER n. one that colors, also COLORER.
DROOLIERdroolier adj. Comparative form of drooly: more drooly.
DROOLY adj. drooling.
FLOORERSfloorers n. Plural of floorer.
FLOORER n. a knockdown blow; a conclusive answer or retort.
GROOLIERGROOLY adj. (slang) gruesome.
OVERLORDoverlord n. A ruler of other rulers.
overlord n. (Historical) A feudal lord directly owed rent or personal service by a tenant of subinfeudated land…
overlord n. (Typically derogatory) Anyone with overarching power or authority in a given domain.
POORLIERpoorlier adj. Comparative form of poorly: more poorly.
poorlier adv. (Rare, literary, dated) comparative form of poorly: more poorly.
POORLY adj. unwell.
RECOLORSrecolors v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of recolor.
RECOLOR v. to color again, also RECOLOUR.
RECOLOURrecolour n. (British spelling) Alternative form of recolor.
recolour v. (British spelling) Alternative form of recolor.
RECOLOUR v. to colour again, also RECOLOR.
ROLLOVERrollover n. The process of incrementing, especially back to an initial value.
rollover n. (Automotive) A road traffic accident in which a vehicle overturns.
rollover n. (Computing) A graphic element that changes its appearance when the cursor moves over it.
ROSEOLARroseolar adj. Relating to roseola.
ROSEOLAR adj. like roseola, a rash of rose-colored patches.
WORDLOREwordlore n. (Uncommon) The science, study, or knowledge of words.
WORDLORE n. information about the history of words.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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