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There are 13 eight-letter words containing E, L, N, R and 2U

FRENULUMfrenulum n. (Anatomy) A small fold or ridge of tissue that supports or restrains the motion of the part to which…
frenulum n. (Entomology, zootomy) A bristle or row of bristles on the edge of the hindwings of some lepidoptera…
FRENULUM n. (Latin) a connecting fold of membrane, also FRENUM, FRAENUM.
FURUNCLEfuruncle n. (Pathology) A boil or infected, inflamed, pus-filled sore.
FURUNCLE n. a painful swelling of the skin.
LONGUEURlongueur n. (Authorship) A lengthy passage in a dramatic or literary work, especially a dull or tedious one; a period of boredom.
LONGUEUR n. (French) a long and tedious section of a book, play, etc.
NEURULAEneurulae n. Plural of neurula.
NEURULA n. (Greek) an embryo at the stage succeeding the gastrula, when the neural tube develops from the neural plate.
NEURULARneurular adj. Relating to a neurula.
NEURULAR adj. of or like a neurula, an embryo at the stage succeeding the gastrula.
NEURULASneurulas n. Plural of neurula.
NEURULA n. (Greek) an embryo at the stage succeeding the gastrula, when the neural tube develops from the neural plate.
PURULENTpurulent adj. (Medicine) Consisting of pus.
purulent adj. Leaking or seeping pus.
PURULENT adj. secreting pus.
UNCURLEDuncurled v. Simple past tense and past participle of uncurl.
uncurled adj. Not curled; non-curled.
UNCURL v. to straighten the curls of.
UNFURLEDunfurled v. Simple past tense and past participle of unfurl.
UNFURL v. to unroll.
UNPURELYunpurely adv. In an unpure manner; impurely.
UNPURE adv. not pure, also IMPURE.
UNRUFFLEunruffle v. (Transitive) To remove ruffles from; to make smooth.
unruffle v. (Transitive) To calm or soothe (a person).
unruffle v. (Intransitive) To calm down.
UNRULIERunrulier adj. Comparative form of unruly: more unruly.
UNRULY adj. difficult to control.
UNSURELYunsurely adv. In an unsure manner.
UNSURE adv. not sure.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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