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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 13 eight-letter words containing E, I, O, R, T and X

EXCITORSexcitors n. Plural of excitor.
EXCITOR n. one that excites, also EXCITER.
EXERTIONexertion n. An expenditure of physical or mental effort.
EXERTION n. the act of exerting.
EXORCISTexorcist n. A person, especially a priest, who practices exorcism.
EXORCIST n. one who practices exorcism.
EXOTERICexoteric adj. Suitable to be imparted to the public without secrecy or other reserves.
exoteric adj. (By extension) Accessible; capable of being readily or fully comprehended; or, having an obvious application.
exoteric adj. (Rare) Public or popular; having wide currency.
EXPIATORexpiator n. One who makes expiation or atonement.
EXPIATOR n. one who makes expiation or atonement.
EXTERIORexterior adj. Relating to the outside parts or surface of something.
exterior adj. Being from outside a country; foreign.
exterior adj. Outdoor.
NITROXESNITROX n. a mixture of nitrogen and oxygen, used in underwater breathing apparatus.
OXIMETERoximeter n. (Chemistry) A device that measures the quantity of oxygen in something, particularly air in the atmosphere.
oximeter n. (Medicine, specifically) A device that measures the oxygen saturation of arterial blood.
OXIMETER n. a photoelectric instrument for measuring the oxygen saturation of the blood.
OXIMETRYoximetry n. The measurement of the oxygen level in arterial blood.
OXIMETRY n. measurement with an oximeter, a photoelectric instrument for measuring the oxygen saturation of the blood.
OXTERINGoxtering v. Present participle of oxter.
OXTER v. (Scots) to take under the arm.
RETOXINGretoxing v. Present participle of retox.
RETOX v. to embark on a binge of drink, drugs, or unhealthy food after a period of abstinence.
TETROXIDtetroxid n. Archaic form of tetroxide.
TETROXID n. an oxide having four atoms of oxygen in the molecule; as, osmium tetroxide, also TETROXIDE.
TRIOXIDEtrioxide n. (Chemistry) any oxide containing three oxygen atoms in each molecule.
trioxide n. (Chemistry) any organic compound of general formula R-OOO-R’, derived from trioxidane.
TRIOXIDE n. an oxide containing three atoms of oxygen; as, sulphur trioxide, also TRIOXID.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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