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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 18 eight-letter words containing E, I, 2O, P and R

BIOPHOREbiophore n. Alternative spelling of biophor.
BIOPHORE n. a hypothetical unit of living matter, also BIOPHOR.
BLOOPIERBLOOPY adj. in baseball, being a hit that is a short fly ball.
DROOPIERdroopier adj. Comparative form of droopy: more droopy.
DROOPY adj. hanging.
GLOOPIERgloopier adj. Comparative form of gloopy: more gloopy.
GLOOPY adj. thickly viscid.
INOTROPEinotrope n. (Medicine) Any inotropic drug.
INOTROPE n. a drug for controlling the force of muscular contractions.
OPORICESOPORICE n. (Greek) an old medicine made from summer fruits.
PECORINOpecorino n. Any of a family of Italian hard cheeses made from ewe’s milk.
PECORINO n. (Italian) a hard cheese made from sheep's milk.
POISONERpoisoner n. A person who poisons something or someone.
POISONER n. one who poisons.
POORLIERpoorlier adj. Comparative form of poorly: more poorly.
poorlier adv. (Rare, literary, dated) comparative form of poorly: more poorly.
POORLY adj. unwell.
PORPOISEporpoise n. A small cetacean of the family Phocoenidae, related to dolphins and whales.
porpoise n. (North America, imprecisely) Any small dolphin.
porpoise v. (Intransitive) Said of an air-breathing aquatic animal such as a porpoise or penguin: To repeatedly…
PORTOISEportoise n. (Nautical) The gunwale of a ship.
PORTOISE n. the gunwale of a ship, also PORTLAST.
ROOPIESTROOPY adj. (Scots) hoarse.
SNOOPIERsnoopier adj. Comparative form of snoopy: more snoopy.
SNOOPY adj. prying.
SPOOFIERspoofier adj. Comparative form of spoofy: more spoofy.
SPOOFY adj. humorously satiric.
SPOOKIERspookier adj. Comparative form of spooky: more spooky.
SPOOKY adj. scary, also SPOOKISH.
SPOONIERspoonier adj. Comparative form of spoony: more spoony.
SPOONY adj. foolishly fond.
SWOOPIERswoopier adj. Comparative form of swoopy: more swoopy.
SWOOPY adj. having sweeping lines or features.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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