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There are 18 eight-letter words containing E, I, 2M, R and U

CHUMMIERchummier adj. Comparative form of chummy: more chummy.
CHUMMY adj. friendly.
COREMIUMcoremium n. Synnema.
COREMIUM n. (Latin) an organ of certain fungi.
CRUMMIERcrummier adj. Comparative form of crummy: more crummy.
CRUMMY adj. mean, despicable, also CRUMMIE.
CRUMMIEScrummies n. Plural of crummy.
CRUMMIE n. (Scots) a cow with crooked horns, also CRUMMY.
DRUMMIESdrummies n. Plural of drummie.
DRUMMY n. (South African) a drum majorette.
EMPORIUMemporium n. (Also figuratively) A city or region which is a major trading centre; also, a place within a city for…
emporium n. (Also figuratively) A shop that offers a wide variety of goods for sale; a department store; (with a…
emporium n. (Historical) A business set up to enable foreign traders to engage in commerce in a country; a factory…
EUMERISMeumerism n. Alternative form of euhemerism.
EUMERISM n. a biologic aggregation of similar parts.
FERMIUMSFERMIUM n. a radioactive element.
FREEMIUMfreemium adj. Offering basic services for free while charging a premium for advanced or special features.
freemium n. (Countable) A product that is offered free of charge and supported by sales of a premium version.
freemium n. (Uncountable) A business model that relies on offering a free version and charging for a premium version.
IMMATUREimmature adj. (Now rare) Occurring before the proper time; untimely, premature (especially of death).
immature adj. Not fully formed or developed; not grown.
immature adj. Childish in behavior; juvenile.
IMPERIUMimperium n. Supreme power; dominion.
imperium n. The right to command the force of the state; sovereignty.
IMPERIUM n. (Latin) empire, absolute power.
MUMBLIERmumblier adj. Comparative form of mumbly: more mumbly.
MUMBLY adj. given to mumbling.
PLUMMIERplummier adj. Comparative form of plummy: more plummy.
PLUMMY adj. full of plums.
PREMIUMSpremiums n. Plural of premium.
PREMIUM n. (Latin) a sum regularly payable for insurance.
RUMMIESTrummiest adj. Superlative form of rummy: most rummy.
RUMMY adj. queer.
SCRUMMIESCRUMMIE n. (slang) a rugby scrum half.
SCUMMIERscummier adj. Comparative form of scummy: more scummy.
SCUMMY adj. covered with scum, dirty, unpleasant.
SLUMMIERslummier adj. Comparative form of slummy: more slummy.
SLUMMY adj. resembling a slum.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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