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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 18 eight-letter words containing E, I, L, P and 2R

CRIPPLERcrippler n. A person who, or thing which cripples.
crippler n. A corrugated board used to grain leather.
CRIPPLER n. one that cripples; (slang) something astonishingly good.
IMPLORERimplorer n. (Rare) One who implores.
IMPLORER n. one who implores.
PALTRIERpaltrier adj. Comparative form of paltry: more paltry.
PALTRY adj. meagre, mean.
PEARLIERpearlier adj. Comparative form of pearly: more pearly.
PEARLY adj. like a pearl.
PILFERERpilferer n. One who pilfers.
PILFERER n. one who pilfers.
POORLIERpoorlier adj. Comparative form of poorly: more poorly.
poorlier adv. (Rare, literary, dated) comparative form of poorly: more poorly.
POORLY adj. unwell.
PORTLIERportlier adj. Comparative form of portly: more portly.
PORTLY adj. corpulent, stout.
PREDRILLpredrill v. To drill through a substrate for the purpose of readying it for a second drilling, this time with the…
PREDRILL v. to drill beforehand.
PRETRIALpretrial adj. Pertaining to a preliminary trial.
pretrial adj. Before a trial.
pretrial n. (Law) A preliminary trial held in advance of a court trial.
PROFILERprofiler n. A mechanical device that cuts complex, irregular shapes by tracing a pattern.
profiler n. A person who creates a profile for something or someone, especially a psychological profile for an unknown criminal.
profiler n. (Computing) A software program that measures the performance of different portions of another program…
PURPLIERpurplier adj. Comparative form of purply: more purply.
PURPLY adj. purplish.
REPLIERSrepliers n. Plural of replier.
REPLIER n. one who replies.
REPRISALreprisal n. An act of retaliation.
reprisal n. (Archaic) Something taken from an enemy in retaliation.
reprisal n. (Archaic) The act of taking something from an enemy by way of retaliation or indemnity.
RIPPLERSripplers n. Plural of rippler.
RIPPLER n. a toothed tool for cleaning waxed fibre.
RIPPLIERRIPPLY adj. marked by ripples.
RUMPLIERRUMPLY adj. wrinkled.
SLURPIERslurpier adj. Comparative form of slurpy: more slurpy.
SLURPY adj. like a slurp.
TRIPPLERTRIPPLER n. (South African) a horse that tripples, proceeds at a pace between a walk and a trot.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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