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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 20 eight-letter words containing E, I, L, 2O and T

DOLOMITEdolomite n. (Mineralogy) An evaporite consisting of a mixed calcium and magnesium carbonate, with the chemical formula…
Dolomite adj. Of, pertaining to, or characteristic of the Dolomites.
DOLOMITE n. a mineral, double carbonate of calcium and magnesium; a rock composed of that mineral, magnesian limestone.
ETIOLOGYetiology n. US standard spelling of aetiology.
ETIOLOGY n. the science of causes, esp. of disease, also AETIOLOGY.
FOOTLIKEfootlike adj. Resembling a foot.
FOOTLIKE adj. resembling a foot.
HOOLIESTHOOLY adj. soft and careful.
LOOBIESTLOOBY adj. clumsy or stupid.
LOOKITEDSorry, definition not available.
LOONIESTlooniest adj. Superlative form of loony: most loony.
LOOPIESTloopiest adj. Superlative form of loopy: most loopy.
LOOPY adj. full of loops.
OESTRIOLoestriol n. (British spelling, biochemistry, steroids) Alternative spelling of estriol.
OESTRIOL n. an estrogen, also ESTRIOL.
OILSTONEoilstone n. A type of stone used for sharpening objects such as knives and razorblades.
OILSTONE n. a stone for sharpening tools.
OSTIOLESostioles n. Plural of ostiole.
OSTIOLE n. a small bodily opening.
OTIOSELYotiosely adv. In an otiose manner.
OTIOSE adv. futile, idle.
OVERTOILovertoil v. (Transitive) To weary (someone or something) excessively; to exhaust.
OVERTOIL v. to exhaust by excessive toil.
ROOTLIKErootlike adj. Resembling a root or roots (of a plant), or some aspect of them.
ROOTLIKE adj. like a root.
STOOLIESstoolies n. Plural of stoolie.
STOOLIE n. (short for) a stool-pigeon, a police informer, also STOOLY.
TOILSOMEtoilsome adj. Requiring continuous physical effort; laborious.
TOILSOME adj. demanding much exertion, also TOYLESOME, TOYLSOM.
TROOLIESTROOLIE n. (Tupi) an Amazonian palm tree, aka bussu; its immense leaf, also TROELIE, TROELY.
WOOLIESTwooliest adj. Superlative form of wooly: most wooly.
WOOLY adj. having the texture of wool, also WOOLLY.
ZOOLITESzoolites n. Plural of zoolite.
ZOOLITE n. a fossil animal, also ZOOLITH.
ZOPILOTEzopilote n. A New World vulture of the family Cathartidae, especially the black vulture (Coragyps atratus).
ZOPILOTE n. (Nahuatl) the urubu or American black vulture.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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