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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 15 eight-letter words containing E, 2I, N, O and P

EPIGONICepigonic adj. Being or relating to an epigone or disciple; imitative.
EPIGONIC adj. of or like an epigon, an inferior imitator of a creative thinker or artist.
EPINOSICepinosic adj. Unhealthy.
EPINOSIC adj. (Greek) unhealthy, unwholesome.
EPITONICepitonic adj. Abnormally tense or tonic; exhibiting an abnormal degree of tension or strain.
EPITONIC adj. overstrained.
NEPIONICnepionic adj. (Zoology) immature.
NEPIONIC adj. of or relating to the embryonic period of development.
PECORINIpecorini n. Plural of pecorino.
PECORINO n. (Italian) a hard cheese made from sheep's milk.
PEIGNOIRpeignoir n. A long outer garment for women, usually sheer and made of chiffon and often sold with matching nightgown…
peignoir n. A cape worn to protect the clothes at the barbers / hairdressers.
PEIGNOIR n. (French) a woman's dressing-gown.
PENSIONIpensioni n. Plural of pensione.
PENSIONE n. (Italian) a boardinghouse.
PETITIONpetition n. A formal, written request made to an official person or organized body, often containing many signatures.
petition n. A compilation of signatures built in order to exert moral authority in support of a specific cause.
petition n. (Law) A formal written request for judicial action.
PICOLINEpicoline n. (Organic chemistry) Any of three isomeric methyl derivatives of pyridine, analogous to toluene.
PICOLINE n. a compound related to pyridine, also PICOLIN.
PIMIENTOpimiento n. Synonym of pimento, a cultivar of Capsicum annuum.
PIMIENTO n. (Spanish) the sweet red, yellow or green pepper, capsicum.
PINIONEDpinioned v. Simple past tense and past participle of pinion.
PINION v. to remove the wing feathers to prevent flight.
POINTIERpointier adj. Comparative form of pointy: more pointy.
POINTY adj. coming to a sharp, tapering end.
POITRINEpoitrine n. (Historical) The breastplate of a knight’s armour.
poitrine n. Synonym of poitrel (“chest-armor for a horse”).
poitrine n. Chest, bosom, especially of a woman.
RIPIENOSripienos n. Plural of ripieno.
RIPIENO n. (Italian) a musical passage performed by all the performers.
SINOPITEsinopite n. (Mineralogy) A brick-red ferruginous clay used as red paint in ancient times.
SINOPITE n. an iron ore, from which the pigment sinopia is obtained.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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