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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 18 eight-letter words containing E, 2I, M, O and T

CIMOLITEcimolite n. (Mineralogy) A soft clayey mineral of whitish or greyish colour.
CIMOLITE n. a type of clay, or hydrous silicate of aluminium, similar to fuller's earth.
COMITIEScomities n. Plural of comity.
COMITY n. courteousness; civility.
EMICTIONemiction n. Urination.
emiction n. Urine.
EMICTION n. the discharge of urine.
EPITOMICepitomic adj. Embodying, summarizing, encapsulating.
EPITOMIC adj. of or like an epitome, also EPITOMICAL.
IMMOTILEimmotile adj. Not motile (lacking the ability to move).
IMMOTILE adj. lacking mobility.
IMPETIGOimpetigo n. (Pathology) A contagious bacterial skin disease forming pustules and yellow crusty sores, chiefly on…
IMPETIGO n. (Latin) a skin disease.
IMPOLITEimpolite adj. Not polite; not of polished manners; wanting in good manners.
IMPOLITE adj. having bad manners.
LIMONITElimonite n. (Mineralogy) Any of several natural hydrous iron oxides; often a mixture of goethite and hemite with…
LIMONITE n. a major ore of iron.
MEIONITEmeionite n. (Mineralogy) A silicate mineral belonging to the scapolite group.
MEIONITE n. one of a group of rare minerals, a scapolite with less sodium and silica than marialite.
MOIETIESmoieties n. Plural of moiety.
moieties n. (Obsolete) plural of moietie.
MOIETY n. a half, also MOYITY.
MONITIVEmonitive adj. Conveying admonition; admonitory.
MONITIVE adj. giving warning.
MOYITIESmoyities n. Plural of moyity. (Obsolete spelling of moieties.)
MOYITY n. (Spenser) moiety.
OPTIMISEoptimise v. Non-Oxford British spelling standard spelling of optimize.
OPTIMISE v. to make as effective as possible, also OPTIMIZE.
OPTIMIZEoptimize v. (Originally intransitive) To act optimistically or as an optimist.
optimize v. (Transitive) To make (something) optimal.
optimize v. (Transitive) To make (something) more efficient, such as a computer program.
PIMIENTOpimiento n. Synonym of pimento, a cultivar of Capsicum annuum.
PIMIENTO n. (Spanish) the sweet red, yellow or green pepper, capsicum.
SEMIOTICsemiotic adj. Of or relating to semiotics or to semantics.
semiotic adj. (Medicine, dated) Of or relating to the signs or symptoms of diseases.
SEMIOTIC adj. relating to signs or symbols, esp. spoken or written signs, also SEMEIOTIC.
VOMITIERVOMITY adj. resembling or smelling of vomit.
VOMITIVEvomitive adj. (Medicine, pharmacology) Inducing vomiting.
vomitive n. (Medicine, pharmacology) Something that induces vomiting.
VOMITIVE n. a substance causing the ejection of matter from the stomach; an emetic.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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