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There are 19 eight-letter words containing E, H, O, R and 2T

BETROTHSbetroths v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of betroth.
BETROTH v. to engage to marry.
CROTCHETcrotchet n. (Music) A musical note one beat long in 4/4 time.
crotchet n. (Obsolete) A sharp curve or crook; a shape resembling a hook.
crotchet n. (Surgery, now chiefly historical) A hook-shaped instrument, especially as used in obstetric surgery.
FORTIETHfortieth adj. The ordinal form of the number forty.
fortieth n. The person or thing in the fortieth position.
fortieth n. One of forty equal parts of a whole.
HITHERTOhitherto adv. (Formal, also law) Up to this or that time or point.
HITHERTO adv. up to now.
HOTTEREDhottered v. Simple past tense and past participle of hotter.
HOTTER v. to vibrate, to tremble.
OUTTHREWoutthrew v. Simple past tense of outthrow.
OUTTHROW v. to throw farther than.
RHEOSTATrheostat n. An electrical resistor, with two terminals, whose resistance is continuously variable by moving a knob or slider.
RHEOSTAT n. a resistor used to control electric current.
SHORTESTshortest adj. Superlative form of short: most short; Least in stature, length or height.
SHORT adj. having little length.
THEOCRATtheocrat n. (Politics, religion) The ruler of a theocracy, a priest-king.
theocrat n. (Politics, religion) A proponent of theocracy.
THEOCRAT n. a divine or deified ruler.
THEORISTtheorist n. Someone who constructs theories, especially in the arts or sciences.
THEORIST n. one who theorizes.
THEREOUTthereout adv. (Archaic) Out of it, out from it.
thereout adv. (Obsolete) outside; outdoors.
THEREOUT adv. out of that.
THORITESthorites n. Plural of thorite.
THORITE n. a silicate of thorium.
THORNSETTHORNSET adj. beset with thorns.
THROATEDthroated adj. (In combination) Having the specified type of throat.
throated v. Simple past tense and past participle of throat.
THROAT v. to utter in a hoarse voice.
THROSTLEthrostle n. (Dialectal or archaic) A song thrush.
throstle n. A machine for spinning wool, cotton, etc., from the rove, consisting of a set of drawing rollers with…
THROSTLE n. the song-thrush.
THROTTLEthrottle n. A valve that regulates the supply of fuel-air mixture to an internal combustion engine and thus controls…
throttle n. The lever or pedal that controls this valve.
throttle n. (Anatomy, archaic) The windpipe or trachea.
TOGETHERtogether adv. At the same time, in the same place; in close association or proximity.
together adv. Into one place; into a single thing; combined.
together adv. In a relationship or partnership, for example a business relationship or a romantic partnership.
TOOTHIERtoothier adj. Comparative form of toothy: more toothy.
TOOTHY adj. having prominent teeth.
TROCHITEtrochite n. (Paleontology) A wheel-like joint of the stem of a fossil crinoid.
TROCHITE n. a wheel-like joint of the stem of a fossil crinoid.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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