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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 9 eight-letter words containing E, H, O, P, T and U

EUPHOTICeuphotic adj. Describing that part of the near-surface ocean in which photosynthesis is possible.
EUPHOTIC adj. pertaining to the upper layer of a body of water.
EUTROPHYeutrophy n. (Medicine) healthy nutrition.
eutrophy n. (Geography, of a body of water) The quality of being rich in minerals and nutrients.
eutrophy v. (Transitive, intransitive, of a body of water) To make or become rich in minerals and nutrients, which…
HOUSETOPhousetop n. The roof of a house.
HOUSETOP n. the roof of a house.
PHASEOUTphaseout n. The action of phasing out; an incremental removal or reduction.
phase-out n. Alternative form of phaseout.
phase␣out v. (Transitive) To remove or relinquish the use of (something) little by little, either via discrete diminishing…
POTHOUSEpothouse n. Alternative spelling of pot-house.
pot-house n. A pub; a tavern.
POTHOUSE n. an alehouse.
PUTCHEONputcheon n. A wire trap for catching salmon.
PUTCHEON n. a wire trap for catching salmon, also PUTCHER.
SUPERHOTsuperhot adj. (Often figurative) Extremely hot.
superhot n. A very hot chili pepper.
SUPERHOT adj. extremely hot.
TAPHOUSEtaphouse n. A tavern.
TAPHOUSE n. a tavern.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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