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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 11 eight-letter words containing E, H, N, O and 2R

DEERHORNdeerhorn n. Horn from a deer.
DEERHORN n. the horn of a deer.
DEHORNERdehorner n. (Also in plural form) A device for cutting the horns off an animal’s head.
DEHORNER n. an implement for removing the horns from cattle.
ERYTHRONerythron n. All the erythrocytes circulating in the bloodstream together with their precursors.
ERYTHRON n. a bodily organ consisting of the red blood cells.
HONORERShonorers n. Plural of honorer.
HONORER n. one who honors, also HONOURER.
HONOURERhonourer n. Alternative form of honorer.
HONOURER n. one who honours, also HONORER.
NORTHERNnorthern adj. Of, facing, situated in, or related to the north; northerly.
northern adj. (Of a wind) Blowing from the north; northerly.
northern adj. (Britain) Characteristic of the North of England (usually capitalised).
NORTHERSnorthers n. Plural of norther.
NORTHER v. to veer north.
RANCHEROranchero n. (US, or of Mexico) a ranch or rancho worker.
ranchero n. (US, or of Mexico) A ranch or rancho owner.
RANCHERO n. (Spanish) in Mexico and the southwestern US, a rancher.
SHNORRERshnorrer n. One who shnors.
SHNORRER n. (Yiddish) a beggar, esp. one who wheedles others into supplying his wants, also SCHNORRER.
THORNIERthornier adj. Comparative form of thorny: more thorny.
THORNY adj. full of thorns.
THRONNERTHRONNER n. (dialect) a person good at doing odd jobs.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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