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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 16 eight-letter words containing E, H, M, 2S and U

AMBUSHESambushes n. Plural of ambush.
ambushes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of ambush.
AMBUSH v. to attack from a concealed place.
GUMSHOESgumshoes n. Plural of gumshoe.
GUMSHOE v. to investigate stealthily.
HEURISMSheurisms n. Plural of heurism.
HEURISM n. the heuristic method or principle in education.
HOUMUSESHOUMUS n. (Turkish) a Middle Eastern hors d'oeuvre of pureed chickpea and sesame oil, also HOMMOS, HOUMMOS, HOUMOUS, HUMMUS, HUMOUSES.
HUMMUSEShummuses n. Plural of hummus.
HUMMUS n. (Turkish) a Middle Eastern hors d'oeuvre of pureed chickpea and sesame oil, also HOMMOS, HOUMMOS, HOUMOUS, HOUMUS, HUMOUSES.
HUMOUSESHUMOUS n. a Middle Eastern hors d'oeuvre of pureed chickpea and sesame oil.
HUMPLESShumpless adj. Without humps.
HUMPLESS adj. without a hump.
MESHUGASmeshugas n. Alternative form of meshugaas.
MUCHNESSmuchness n. Large size or bulk; bigness; size; magnitude (large or small).
muchness n. Greatness in quantity, number, amount, or degree.
MUCHNESS n. greatness.
MUSHIESTmushiest adj. Superlative form of mushy: most mushy.
MUSHY adj. like mush, soft.
SHAMUSESshamuses n. Plural of shamus.
SHAMUS n. (US slang) a private detective.
SMOUCHESsmouches n. Plural of smouch.
smouches v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of smouch.
SMOUCH v. to kiss closely, also SMOOCH, SMOODGE, SMOOGE.
SMUTCHESsmutches v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of smutch.
smutches n. Plural of smutch.
SMUTCH v. to soil.
THYMUSESthymuses n. Plural of thymus.
THYMUS n. (Greek) a ductless gland in the neck, producing white blood cells.
TUMSHIEStumshies n. Plural of tumshie.
TUMSHIE n. (Scots) a turnip.
UNMESHESunmeshes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of unmesh.
UNMESH v. to disentangle.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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