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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 17 eight-letter words containing E, H, M, N, O and T

BOTHYMENbothymen n. Plural of bothyman.
BOTHYMAN n. one who lives in a bothy.
ETHNONYMethnonym n. The name of an ethnic group, nation, nationality, tribe, tribal alliance, clan, or other ethnic community.
ETHNONYM n. the name of an ethnic group.
HOASTMENhoastmen n. Plural of hoastman.
HOASTMAN n. a member of an old merchant guild.
HOISTMENhoistmen n. Plural of hoistman.
HOISTMAN n. a person who works a hoist.
HOMETOWNhometown n. An individual’s place of birth, childhood home, or place of main residence.
hometown n. (Attributive) Designating a decision or judgement that is biased, or perceived to be biased, in favour…
home␣town n. Alternative form of hometown.
HOTELMANhotelman n. A person who operates a hotel.
HOTELMAN n. a hotel manager, also HOTELIER.
HOTELMENhotelmen n. Plural of hotelman.
HOTELMAN n. a hotel manager, also HOTELIER.
MENTHOLSmenthols n. Plural of menthol.
MENTHOL n. a camphor obtained from oil of peppermint.
METHADONmethadon n. Alternative form of methadone.
METHADON n. a synthetic drug similar to morphine, also METHADONE.
METHANOLmethanol n. (Organic chemistry) The simplest aliphatic alcohol, CH3OH; a colourless, toxic, inflammable liquid…
METHANOL n. methyl alcohol, wood spirit.
MOLEHUNTmolehunt n. (Espionage) An investigation attempting to identify moles (agents who have infiltrated an organisation).
MOLEHUNT n. a hunt for moles.
MONTEITHmonteith n. A bowl used for the cooling or washing of wine glasses.
monteith n. A large 18th-century punchbowl, usually of silver, fluted and scalloped.
monteith n. (Obsolete) A cotton handkerchief with white spots on a coloured background.
SMOOTHENsmoothen v. (Transitive) To make smooth.
smoothen v. (Intransitive) To become smooth.
SMOOTHEN v. to free from lumps, also SMOOTH.
THANEDOMthanedom n. The property or jurisdiction of a thane.
THANEDOM n. the state or dignity of a thane, also THANAGE, THANEHOOD, THANESHIP, THENAGE.
THEONOMYtheonomy n. The state of being governed by God or in accordance with divine law.
THEONOMY n. rule by a god.
THERMIONthermion n. (Physics) An electrically charged particle, either an electron or an ion, emitted by a conducting material…
THERMION n. an ion emitted by a heated body.
TOWNHOMEtownhome n. (US) A townhouse or row house.
TOWNHOME n. one of a series of contiguous houses of two or three stories.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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