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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 11 eight-letter words containing E, H, L, O, R and U

HOURLIEShourlies n. Plural of hourly.
HOURLY n. something done every hour.
LEACHOURleachour n. Obsolete form of lecher.
LEACHOUR n. (Spenser) a lecher.
OVERHAULoverhaul n. A major repair, renovation, or revision.
overhaul n. (Firefighting) The process after the fire appears extinguished in which the firefighters search the…
overhaul v. To modernize, repair, renovate, or revise completely.
OVERLUSHoverlush adj. Excessively lush.
OVERLUSH adj. excessively lush.
PLOUGHERplougher n. Alternative spelling of plower.
PLOUGHER n. one who ploughs, also PLOWER.
REPLOUGHreplough v. (Transitive) To plough again.
REPLOUGH v. to plough again, also REPLOW.
ROUGHLEGroughleg n. Buteo lagopus, a bird of prey.
ROUGHLEG n. any one of several species of large hawk, having the legs feathered to the toes.
SHOULDERshoulder n. The part of an animal’s body between the base of the neck and forearm socket.
shoulder n. Anything forming a shape resembling a human shoulder.
shoulder n. (Topography) A shelf between two levels.
SLOUCHERsloucher n. A person who slouches.
sloucher n. A slouch hat.
SLOUCHER n. one who slouches.
UNHOLIERunholier adj. Comparative form of unholy: more unholy.
UNHOLY adj. not holy.
UPHOLDERupholder n. Someone who upholds something.
upholder n. (Obsolete) A dealer in secondhand furniture and clothes; an upholdster.
UPHOLDER n. one who upholds.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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