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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 18 eight-letter words containing E, H, I, O and 2T

ATHETOIDathetoid adj. (Medicine) characterised by athetosis.
ATHETOID adj. showing symptoms of athetosis, nervous twitching of digits and extremities.
FORTIETHfortieth adj. The ordinal form of the number forty.
fortieth n. The person or thing in the fortieth position.
fortieth n. One of forty equal parts of a whole.
GOETHITEgoethite n. (Mineralogy) An iron oxyhydroxide that is the main constituent of rust.
GOETHITE n. a hydrous oxide of iron, occurring in prismatic crystals, also GOTHITE.
GOTHIESTGOTHY adj. (colloquial) relating to Gothic music or fashion.
GOTHITESgothites n. Plural of gothite.
GOTHITE n. an ore of iron, also GOETHITE.
HITHERTOhitherto adv. (Formal, also law) Up to this or that time or point.
HITHERTO adv. up to now.
HOOTIESThootiest adj. Superlative form of hooty: most hooty.
HOOTY adj. sounding like the cry of an owl.
MONTEITHmonteith n. A bowl used for the cooling or washing of wine glasses.
monteith n. A large 18th-century punchbowl, usually of silver, fluted and scalloped.
monteith n. (Obsolete) A cotton handkerchief with white spots on a coloured background.
MOTHIESTmothiest adj. Superlative form of mothy: most mothy.
MOTHY adj. full of moths.
THEORISTtheorist n. Someone who constructs theories, especially in the arts or sciences.
THEORIST n. one who theorizes.
THIONATEthionate n. (Chemistry) Any salt or ester of a thionic acid.
THIONATE n. a sulphur compound.
THIOTEPAthiotepa n. A particular drug used in chemotherapy.
thioTEPA n. A particular drug used in chemotherapy.
THIOTEPA n. a sulfur compound, used as an antineoplastic.
THORITESthorites n. Plural of thorite.
THORITE n. a silicate of thorium.
TOOTHIERtoothier adj. Comparative form of toothy: more toothy.
TOOTHY adj. having prominent teeth.
TOSHIESTtoshiest adj. Superlative form of toshy: most toshy.
TOSHY adj. full of twaddle.
TROCHITEtrochite n. (Paleontology) A wheel-like joint of the stem of a fossil crinoid.
TROCHITE n. a wheel-like joint of the stem of a fossil crinoid.
WHITEOUTwhiteout n. A heavy snowstorm; a blizzard.
whiteout n. Any weather condition in which visibility and contrast are severely reduced by snow or sand causing…
whiteout n. Correction fluid (from the brand name Wite-Out).
WHITEPOTwhitepot n. (Historical) An early form of bread and butter pudding, made with bone marrow or butter.
white-pot n. (UK, Devon, dialect) A kind of food made of milk or cream, eggs, sugar, bread, etc., baked in a pot.
WHITEPOT n. a Devonshire pudding of sliced rolls, milk, eggs, sugar etc. baked.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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