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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 20 eight-letter words containing E, H, I, L, S and Y

CHEESILYcheesily adv. In a cheesy manner.
CHEESY adv. resembling a food made from milk curds.
CHESTILYchestily adv. In a chesty manner.
CHESTY adv. suffering from a cough on the chest.
CHIMLEYSchimleys n. Plural of chimley.
DIETHYLSdiethyls n. Plural of diethyl.
DIETHYL n. a compound having two ethyl groups.
ELFISHLYelfishly adv. In an elfish manner; mischievously.
ELFISH adv. like an elf, also ELVISH.
ELVISHLYelvishly adv. In an elvish manner.
ELVISH adv. like an elf, also ELFISH.
ETHINYLSethinyls n. Plural of ethinyl.
ETHINYL n. a univalent chemical radical, also ETHOXY, ETHOXYL, ETHYL, ETHYNYL.
FLESHILYfleshily adv. In a fleshy manner.
FLESHY adv. having much flesh.
HYALINEShyalines n. Plural of hyaline.
HYALINE n. (Milton) a glassy transparent surface.
HYALITEShyalites n. Plural of hyalite.
HYALITE n. a pellucid variety of opal in globules looking like colorless gum or resin.
LECYTHISLecythis prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Lecythidaceae – certain woody plants, native to Central America…
LECYTHIS n. any of a genus of gigantic trees, chiefly Brazilian.
LEHAYIMSLEHAYIM n. (Hebrew) a traditional Jewish toast, also LECHAYIM, LECHAIM, LEHAIM.
NEWISHLYnewishly adv. (Rare) In a way that is somewhat new.
NEWISH adv. somewhat new.
PHYLESISPHYLESIS n. the course of evolutionary development.
SLITHERYslithery adj. That slithers; that moves like a snake.
slithery adj. Sneaky, underhanded; insincere.
slithery adj. Slippery, causing one to slither.
SYLPHIDEsylphide n. A young sylph.
SYLPHIDE n. a young sylph, also SYLPHID.
SYLPHIERSYLPHY adj. like a sylph.
SYLPHINEsylphine adj. (Rare) sylphic.
SYLPHINE adj. pertaining to a sylph, a spirit of the air.
SYMPHILEsymphile n. (Entomology) Any myrmecophilous insect that interacts with the host insects.
SYMPHILE n. an animal kept as a guest in a termite's nest.
YOKELISHyokelish adj. Like a rustic or bumpkin; simple and ignorant.
YOKELISH adj. like a country bumpkin.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 62 words
  • Scrabble in French: 6 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 10 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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