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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 16 eight-letter words containing E, H, I, 2L and R

CHILLERSchillers n. Plural of chiller.
CHILLER n. a frightening film.
CHILLIERchillier adj. Comparative form of chilly: more chilly.
CHILLY adj. cool.
FIREHALLfirehall n. A fire station.
fire␣hall n. (US, Canada) A fire station, typically one which operates a reception hall.
fire␣hall n. (US, Canada) Such a fire station’s reception hall.
HAIRBELLhairbell n. Alternative form of harebell.
HAIRBELL n. the Scottish bluebell, also HAREBELL.
HELLERISHELLERI n. a tropical fish.
HELLFIREhellfire n. (Uncountable) The fire of Hell.
hellfire n. (Uncountable) Fire produced by the Devil, or a similar supernatural creature connected to Hell.
hellfire n. (Countable) A fire that burns with unusual heat or ferocity.
HELLIERShelliers n. Plural of hellier.
HELLIER n. a slater, a tiler, a thatcher.
LITHERLYlitherly adj. (Archaic) mischievous.
litherly adv. (Archaic) slowly; lazily.
LITHERLY adj. (obsolete) mischievous.
PRECHILLprechill v. (Transitive) To chill in advance.
PRECHILL v. to chill beforehand.
SCHILLERschiller n. (Mineralogy) A bronze-like lustre observed in certain minerals, such as hypersthene, due to the presence…
Schiller prop.n. A surname from German.
SCHILLER n. (German) a peculiar bronze-like lustre in certain minerals.
SHELLIERshellier adj. Comparative form of shelly: more shelly.
SHELLY adj. abounding in shells.
SHRILLEDshrilled v. Simple past tense and past participle of shrill.
SHRILL v. to utter a high-pitched sound.
SHRILLERshriller adj. Comparative form of shrill: more shrill.
SHRILL adj. having a high-pitched piercing quality.
THILLERSthillers n. Plural of thiller.
THILLER n. the horse which goes between the thills, or shafts, of a carriage and supports them.
THRILLEDthrilled v. Simple past tense and past participle of thrill.
thrilled adj. Extremely excited or delighted.
THRILL v. to excite greatly.
THRILLERthriller n. Something that thrills.
thriller n. (Film, literature) A suspenseful, sensational genre of story, book, play or film.
THRILLER n. one that thrills.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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