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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 11 eight-letter words containing E, G, N, R and 2T

ARETTINGaretting v. Present participle of aret.
ARET v. (Spenser) to entrust, also ARETT.
FRETTINGfretting v. Present participle of fret.
fretting n. Action of the verb to fret.
FRETTING n. peevishness.
GITTERNSgitterns n. Plural of gittern.
GITTERN v. to play a medieval guitar.
GNATTIERGNATTY adj. infested with gnats.
OTTERINGottering n. The hunting of otters.
OTTER v. to fish with a board of baited lines.
RINGETTEringette n. (Sports) A team sport played on ice on skates and primarily by women, the players using sticks to control…
RINGETTE n. (Canadian) a team sport played on an ice surface in which straight sticks are used to control a rubber ring.
STRENGTHstrength n. The quality or degree of being strong.
strength n. The intensity of a force or power; potency.
strength n. The strongest part of something; that on which confidence or reliance is based.
TETRAGONtetragon n. (Geometry, rare) Quadrilateral.
tetragon n. An aspect of two planets with regard to the Earth when they are distant from each other ninety degrees…
TETRAGON n. a four-sided polygon.
TONGSTERtongster n. A tongman.
TONGSTER n. (Chinese) a member of a Chinese tong, also TONGMAN.
TREATINGtreating v. Present participle of treat.
treating n. Treatment.
TREATING n. the act of treating.
UTTERINGuttering v. Present participle of utter.
uttering n. An utterance; something spoken.
uttering n. (Law) The crime of knowingly presenting forged documentation.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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