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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 17 eight-letter words containing E, G, N, O and 2R

ERIGERONerigeron n. (Botany) Any member of the plant genus Erigeron.
Erigeron prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Asteraceae – flowering daisy-like plants, including certain fleabanes.
ERIGERON n. (Greek) a plant of the genus Erigeron, fleabanes.
GORGERINgorgerin n. (Architecture) In some columns, that part of the capital between the termination of the shaft and the…
gorgerin n. (Historical) Synonym of gorget (“armor”).
gorgerin n. Synonym of gorget (“wimple (clothing); necklace, neck-ornamentation”).
GOVERNORgovernor n. (Politics) The chief executive officer of a first-level division of a country.
governor n. A device which regulates or controls some action of a machine through automatic feedback.
governor n. A member of a decision-making for an organization or entity (including some public agencies) similar…
GROANERSgroaners n. Plural of groaner.
GROANER n. one who groans.
GROUNDERgrounder n. (Baseball) A ground ball.
grounder n. A fruit that has fallen to the ground rather than being picked; a windfall.
grounder n. One of the large stones forming the base of a Cornish hedge.
IGNORERSignorers n. Plural of ignorer.
IGNORER n. one who ignores.
ORANGERYorangery n. A greenhouse in which orange trees are grown.
orangery n. A garden or plantation where orange trees are grown.
ORANGERY n. a building for growing orange trees in a cool climate, also ORANGERIE.
ORANGIERorangier adj. Comparative form of orangey: more orangey.
ORANGY adj. resembling the colour of an orange, also ORANGEY.
ORDERINGordering v. Present participle of order.
ordering n. Arrangement in a sequence.
ordering n. (Uncountable) The placement of an order for goods or services.
PARERGONparergon n. A piece of work that is supplementary to or a byproduct of a larger work.
PARERGON n. (Greek) a piece of work undertaken in addition to one's principal employment.
REBORINGreboring v. Present participle of rebore.
reboring n. (Automotive) Synonym of rebore.
REBORE v. to bore out again.
REGROUNDreground v. Simple past tense and past participle of regrind.
reground v. (Transitive) To ground again.
REGRIND v. to grind again.
RENOGRAMrenogram n. A medical scan of the kidney.
RENOGRAM n. a photographic depiction of the course of renal excretion.
REORGINGREORG v. to reorganize.
ROGERINGrogering n. (UK, vulgar slang) An act of sexual intercourse, especially one that is rough.
ROGERING n. the act of rogering.
STRONGERstronger adj. Comparative form of strong: more strong.
stronger adj. (Logic) Said of one proposition with respect to another one: that the former entails the latter, but…
STRONG adj. having great strength.
WRONGERSwrongers n. Plural of wronger.
WRONGER n. a person who wrongs another.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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