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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 11 eight-letter words containing E, G, N, 2O and T

GEOGNOSTgeognost n. One versed in geognosy; a geologist.
GEOGNOST n. one versed in geognosy, knowledge of the general structure of the earth.
GOLDTONEgoldtone n. A metallic gold colour, as used in some paints.
GOLDTONE n. a photographic image printed on a glass-plate with a painted golden backing.
GONOCYTEgonocyte n. (Biology) A long-lived germ cell responsible for spermatogenesis in males and oogenesis in females.
GONOCYTE n. a cell that produces gametes.
GOONIESTgooniest adj. Superlative form of goony: most goony.
GOONY adj. stupid.
MOONGATEmoongate n. A circular passageway found in Chinese, Japanese, and Bermudian architecture.
MOONGATE n. a circular gate in a wall.
ONTOGENYontogeny n. Ontogenesis.
ONTOGENY n. the development of an individual organism.
OSTEOGENosteogen n. (Physiology) The soft tissue, or substance, which, in developing bone, ultimately undergoes ossification.
OSTEOGEN n. a substance from which bone is formed.
OXTONGUEoxtongue n. Beef tongue (a foodstuff).
oxtongue n. A flowering plant of the genus Picris, especially Picris echioides (bristly oxtongue).
oxtongue n. A flowering plant of the genus Anchusa, especially Anchusa officinalis (true alkanet).
PHOTOGENphotogen n. (Chemistry) A light hydrocarbon oil resembling kerosene, used as a lubricant, illuminant, etc.
photogen n. (Biology) A microorganism that produces phosphorescence.
PHOTOGEN n. a light-producing organ in animals.
STEGODONstegodon n. (Zoology) Any member of the extinct genus Stegodon, related to modern elephants; a stegodont.
STEGODON n. an extinct mammal with ridged teeth, also STEGODONT.
THEOGONYtheogony n. (Chiefly in ancient religion) The origination of gods or a narrative describing the origin of gods.
THEOGONY n. an account of the origin of the gods.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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