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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 16 eight-letter words containing E, G, 2N, T and U

DETUNINGdetuning v. Present participle of detune.
detuning n. The process of something being detuned.
detuning n. (Physics) The difference between actual frequency and resonance frequency.
GLUTENINglutenin n. (Biochemistry) The glutelin protein of wheat.
GLUTENIN n. a protein of cereal grains that gives adhesiveness to bread dough.
GUNSTONEgunstone n. (Obsolete) A cannonball.
Gunstone prop.n. A hamlet near Codsall, South Staffordshire district, Staffordshire, England (OS grid ref SJ8704).
Gunstone prop.n. A habitational surname.
NONGUESTnonguest n. One who is not a guest (Of a hotel, etc.).
NONGUEST n. someone who is not a guest.
RETUNINGretuning v. Present participle of retune.
retuning n. The act by which something is retuned; a subsequent tuning.
RETUNE v. to tune again.
TENURINGtenuring v. Present participle of tenure.
TENURE v. to grant a permanent position at a university to.
TUNGSTENtungsten n. A rare metallic chemical element (symbol W, from Latin wolframium) with an atomic number of 74.
tungsten n. A light bulb containing tungsten.
tungsten n. (Mineralogy, obsolete) scheelite, calcium tungstate.
TUNNAGEStunnages n. Plural of tunnage.
TUNNAGE n. a tax of so much a tun on imported wines.
UNGENTLEungentle adj. Showing a lack of gentleness, kindness or compassion.
ungentle adj. (Obsolete) Not acting according to accepted ethics or standards of behaviour.
UNGENTLE adj. not gentle.
UNGENTLYungently adv. In an ungentle way; roughly.
UNGENTLE adv. not gentle.
UNGOTTENungotten adj. Not got or gotten; not acquired.
UNGET v. to deny the begetting of.
UNGUENTAUNGUENTUM n. (Latin) an ointment.
UNGUENTSunguents n. Plural of unguent.
UNGUENT n. (Latin) an ointment.
UNTANGLEuntangle v. (Transitive) To remove tangles or knots from.
untangle v. (Transitive, by extension, figurative) To remove confusion or mystery from.
UNTANGLE v. to free from tangles.
UNTIEINGuntieing v. Present participle of untie.
UNTIE v. to free from something that ties.
UNTINGEDuntinged adj. Not tinged; untouched, unpolluted.
UNTINGED adj. not tinged.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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