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There are 20 eight-letter words containing E, G, M, N, S and U

AGENDUMSagendums n. Plural of agendum.
AGENDUM n. (Latin) an item on an agenda.
AUGMENTSaugments v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of augment.
augments n. Plural of augment.
AUGMENT v. to increase.
BEMUSINGbemusing v. Present participle of bemuse.
BEMUSE v. to confuse.
EMBUSINGEMBUS v. to board a bus.
EUGENISMeugenism n. A policy of supporting eugenics.
EUGENISM n. advocacy of eugenics.
GEMINOUSgeminous adj. Double; in pairs.
GEMINOUS adj. double.
GLUMNESSglumness n. The emotion of being glum.
GLUMNESS n. the state of being glum.
GRUMNESSGRUMNESS n. the quality of being grum, glum, morose.
GUMLINESgumlines n. Plural of gumline.
GUMLINE n. the edge of the gums meeting the teeth.
HEGUMENShegumens n. Plural of hegumen.
HEGUMEN n. the head of a monastery, also HEGUMENOS.
HUMOGENSHUMOGEN n. a fertilizer composed of peat treated with a culture of nitrogen-fixing bacteria.
LEGUMINSlegumins n. Plural of legumin.
LEGUMIN n. a plant protein obtained from peas, beans, lentils, etc.
MISBEGUNmisbegun adj. Begun badly or incorrectly.
MISBEGIN v. to begin wrongly.
MUCIGENSmucigens n. Plural of mucigen.
MUCIGEN n. a substance secreted by the cells of mucus membrane, also MUCINOGEN.
MULESINGmulesing v. Present participle of mules.
MULESING n. (Australian) the practice of removing wool-bearing skin from around the tail of (esp. merino) sheep to prevent blowfly infestation.
MUNGOOSEmungoose n. Archaic form of mongoose.
MUNGOOSE n. (Marathi) a carnivorous mammal, also MONGOOSE.
MURGEONSmurgeons v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of murgeon.
murgeons n. Plural of murgeon.
MURGEON v. (Scots) to mock with grimaces.
MUTAGENSmutagens n. Plural of mutagen.
MUTAGEN n. a substance that causes biological mutation.
RESUMINGresuming v. Present participle of resume.
RESUME v. to begin again.
SMUGNESSsmugness n. (Uncountable) The state or quality of being smug.
smugness n. (Countable) The result or product of being smug.
SMUGNESS n. the state of being smug.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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