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There are 20 eight-letter words containing E, G, M, N, O and Y

AMYLOGENamylogen n. The water-soluble part of granulose.
AMYLOGEN n. the relatively soluble component of starch, also AMYLOSE.
BOGEYMANbogeyman n. A menacing, ghost-like monster in children’s stories.
bogeyman n. (By extension) Any make-believe threat, especially one used to intimidate or distract.
bogey␣man n. Alternative spelling of bogeyman.
BOGEYMENbogeymen n. Plural of bogeyman.
bogey␣men n. Plural of bogey man.
BOGEYMAN n. a terrifying creature, also BOGYMAN, BOOGYMAN.
BOOGYMENboogymen n. Plural of boogyman.
BOOGYMAN n. a terrifying creature, also BOGEYMAN, BOGYMAN.
CYMOGENEcymogene n. (Chemistry) A highly volatile liquid, condensed by cold and pressure from the first products of the…
CYMOGENE n. a volatile compound.
ENDOGAMYendogamy n. The practice of marrying or requiring to marry within one’s own ethnic, religious, or social group.
endogamy n. (Biology) The fusion of two related gametes.
ENDOGAMY n. the practice of marriage within a specific social group.
GEOMANCYgeomancy n. A method of divination using earth or the ground, such as interpreting markings on the ground or how…
geomancy n. Feng shui; Chinese geomancy.
GEOMANCY n. telling the future from geographical features.
HEGEMONYhegemony n. (Formal) Domination, influence, or authority over another, especially by one political group over a…
hegemony n. Dominance of one social group over another, such that the ruling group or hegemon acquires some degree…
HEGEMONY n. (Greek) leadership.
HOGMENAYHogmenay n. Obsolete form of Hogmanay.
HOGMENAY n. (Scots) a Scottish celebration, also HOGMANAY, HOGMANE.
HOMOGENYhomogeny n. (Biology) Similarity in structure, though of different function, because of genetic relationships.
HOMOGENY n. similarity due to origin.
MENOLOGYmenology n. Alternative spelling of Menologium.
MENOLOGY n. an ecclesiastical calendar.
MEROGONYmerogony n. (Biology) A form of asexual reproduction whereby a parasitic protozoan replicates its own nucleus inside…
merogony n. (Medicine, embryology) The development of part of an ovum after damage.
MEROGONY n. the artificial production of an embryo.
MONEYBAGmoneybag n. Alternative spelling of money bag.
money␣bag n. A bag, normally with a drawstring, used for holding money.
money␣bag n. (In the plural) A wealthy person.
MONOGENYmonogeny n. Synonym of monogenesis.
monogeny n. (Anthropology) The doctrine that all of the members of the human race have a common origin.
MONOGENY n. the (theoretical) common origin of the human species, esp. from one pair of ancestors.
MOSEYINGmoseying v. Present participle of mosey.
MOSEY v. to saunter.
MYOGENICmyogenic adj. (Embryology) Forming muscle fibres; pertaining to myogenesis.
myogenic adj. (Physiology, medicine) Originating in muscle tissue; specifically, pertaining to contractile activity…
MYOGENIC adj. originating in the muscle tissue.
NOMOGENYnomogeny n. The origination of life according to natural law, not by a miracle.
NOMOGENY n. natural rather than religious account of the origin of life.
XENOGAMYxenogamy n. (Botany) The transfer of pollen from the anthers of one plant to the stigma of another; cross-pollination.
xenogamy n. Cross-cultural marriage.
XENOGAMY n. cross-fertilization.
ZYMOGENEzymogene n. (Biology) One of a physiological group of globular bacteria that produce fermentations of diverse nature;…
ZYMOGENE n. a substance that develops into an enzyme, also ZYMOGEN.
ZYMOGENSzymogens n. Plural of zymogen.
ZYMOGEN n. a substance that develops into an enzyme, also ZYMOGENE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 45 words
  • Scrabble in French: 3 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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