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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 16 eight-letter words containing E, G, I, L and 2T

AGLITTERaglitter adj. Glittering.
AGLITTER adj. glittering.
BLETTINGbletting n. A fermentation process in certain fruit beyond ripening.
bletting v. Present participle of blet.
BLET v. to decay like this.
FETTLINGfettling v. Present participle of fettle.
fettling n. (Gerund, UK) Repairing; mending; sorting.
fettling n. (Gerund, UK) A mixture of ore, cinders, etc., used to line the hearth of a puddling furnace.
GLITTERSglitters v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of glitter.
GLITTER v. to sparkle.
GLITTERYglittery adj. That glitters.
GLITTERY adj. glittering.
KETTLINGkettling n. A crowd control technique, used by police, where a hostile group of protesters or rioters are surrounded…
kettling n. The situation where water gets trapped in the heat exchanger of a boiler (e.g. due to limescale build-up)…
kettling v. Present participle of kettle.
LETTINGSlettings n. Plural of letting.
LETTING n. the act of letting.
LIFTGATEliftgate n. (Truck equipment) A hydraulic or electric platform that installs onto the rear of a vehicle and which…
liftgate n. (Automotive) A closure at the rear of a vehicle, or rear door, that can be raised to access the back of a vehicle.
LIFTGATE n. a rear panel on a station wagon that opens upward.
LIGHTESTlightest adj. Superlative form of light: most light.
lightest v. (Archaic) second-person singular simple present form of light.
LIGHT adj. having little weight.
LITIGATElitigate v. (Intransitive, construed with on) To go to law; to carry on a lawsuit.
litigate v. (Transitive) To contest in law.
litigate v. (Transitive, transferred sense) To dispute; to fight over.
NETTLINGnettling v. Present participle of nettle.
nettling n. (Ropemaking) A process, resembling splicing, by which two ropes are joined so as to form one rope.
nettling n. The process of tying together the ends of yarns in pairs, to prevent tangling.
PETTLINGpettling v. Present participle of pettle.
PETTLE v. (Scots) to indulge, pet.
SETTLINGsettling v. Present participle of settle.
settling n. The act of one who, or that which, settles; the act of establishing oneself, of colonizing, subsiding, adjusting, etc.
settling n. The reckoning or settlement of accounts; the paying out of gambling winnings.
TAILGATEtailgate n. A hinged board or hatch at the rear of a vehicle that can be lowered for loading and unloading.
tailgate n. (Britain) The hinged rear door of a hatchback.
tailgate n. Either of the downstream gates in a canal lock.
TEALIGHTtealight n. A small, typically circular candle encased in a thin metal cup, so that it liquefies completely when…
tea-light n. Alternative spelling of tealight.
tea␣light n. Alternative spelling of tealight.
TWIGLETStwiglets n. Plural of twiglet.
TWIGLET n. a small twig.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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